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How big do Keeshonds get?

How big do Keeshonds get?

Keeshonden appear larger than they really are because of their full, thick coat. The average height of a mature Keeshond (over 2 years old) is 17″ for females and 18″ for males. The weight is ideally between 36 and 40 pounds. Except during the time of shedding, the keeshond coat is fairly easy to care for.

Are Keeshonds hypoallergenic?


How do you pronounce Keeshonden?

The word Keeshond, then, means “Kees’ dog” and is pronounced “KAYZ-hund.”

Are Keeshonds clingy?

The breed has a tendency to become especially clingy towards their owners, more so than most other breeds.

Are Keeshonds good apartment dogs?

Even though the Keeshond is lively, alert, and boasts a moderate level of exercise, it adapts well to apartment life and tolerates both urban and rural settings quite well. The breed is also comfortable living near water and tolerates–even prefers–cold weather.

Do Keeshonds smell?

He does shed profusely twice a year, when he “blows” or sheds his entire undercoat all at once. This shedding period can be intense and can last for three weeks. Keeshonds are relatively clean dogs; their doggie odor is minimal.

Do Keeshonds bark a lot?

Bright, cheerful, and lively, the Keeshond needs moderate exercise, but more importantly, he needs companionship. Keeshonds will bark, but it’s usually welcoming rather than protective. Most are peaceful with other pets.

How much does a keeshond puppy cost?

Breed Information
Litter Size 3-8 puppies
Puppy Prices Average $1500 – $2000 USD The average price of a Keeshond puppy is between $1,500 – $2,000. Prices all depend on the pedigree of the puppies, the amount of work the breeder has put into producing the litter, and where the breeder is located.

What is Holland’s national dog?

The Keeshond is the national dog of Holland. The breed is often called “the smiling Dutchman.” The plural of Keeshond is Keeshonden.

How do you train a Keeshond not to bark?

Ignore their barking: If you feel your Keeshond is woofing to get your attention, ignore their barking for as long as it takes them to quit. When finally quiet, reward them with a treat. 3. Keep your Keeshond tired: Make sure your Keeshond is getting mental and enough physical exercise every day.

Do Keeshonds like to cuddle?

They cuddle. In addition to providing companionship to workers on barges, the breed also has a long history of taking care of children and acting as babysitters. As adults, Kees weigh in at around 40 to 50 lbs, but that does not stop them from wanting to be lap dogs.

What is the world’s most expensive dog breed?

The Tibetan Mastiff
The Tibetan Mastiff is the most expensive dog breed to own. It has an exorbitant average purchase price of $2,500. Known as a great watchdog, the Tibetan Mastiff has an average grooming cost of $70 per professional visit.