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How can I convince my parents to adopt a dog?

How can I convince my parents to adopt a dog?

After deciding the breed, plan a daily routine for the dog and show it to your parents. Do include the time for its walk, food, training, and even exercise. Create a list of the dog’s tasks and how you will incorporate them into your schedule.

Why won’t my dad let me get a dog?

Answer: There may be restrictions placed by the landlord. He or she may have made your parents sign a paper refusing to keep a dog, or they may have to pay extra rent each month because of a dog. If that is the case, they may never want to get a dog.

What should you do if your parents say no to a dog?

If they say no, keep showing maturity and understanding, keep being helpful around the house, and occasionally mention the dog, to get them used to the idea. Being patient will also show them that you’re so committed that you’re willing to wait.

How do I convince my mom and dad to get a dog?

Here are some ways to show your folks that you’re ready for a dog.

  1. Plan out a daily routine.
  2. Show them how you plan to implement that routine.
  3. Prove to your parents that you’re responsible.
  4. Do your research.
  5. Figure out a way to help with the expenses that come with dog ownership.
  6. Talk up the pros of owning a dog.

How do I force my mom to get a puppy?

What to do if your parents don’t want a dog?

The only way to deal with your parents’ lack of understanding is to bring in a friend’s pet dog to your home for a couple of days. Ideally, this would take place over the weekend so that everyone can experience the full effect of owning a dog.

How to convince your parents to get a dog?

Identifying the dog lover within one of your parents is vital in getting both of them onboard with your wish of owning a dog. If your dad is a dog lover, recruit his help in convincing your mom and vice versa. Be genuine and clear up front when you request one of your parent’s help in convincing the other.

What to do when your dad says a dog is too expensive?

So when you hear your Dad say, “A dog is too expensive,” you can (think to yourself “aha, time for a counter-argument!” and then) say to him, “But what if I find a way to get a dog that isn’t so expensive?” Thankfully, there’s a less expensive (and better) alternative.

Can you have a dog if you live away from your parents?

If you still feel the need to own a dog when you live away from your parents, then you’ll be the one to decide (bar you living in rented accommodation, where it’s in the tenancy agreement not to own pets, etc). Hi mimi ~ I know how you feel, especially as you seem to have fallen for a little pup already.