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How can I get old result from Pune University?

How can I get old result from Pune University?

Candidate has to Apply Online for duplicate passing certificate and send the printout of same to the Controller of Examinations along with, receipt of Bank Challan of Rs. 90/-for Non Professional course & Rupees 125/- for Professional course and Xerox copy of final year statement of marks.

How can I get my backlog certificate from Pune University?

Procedure to Apply for Certificate

  1. In order to apply for the Online Certificate, student first needs to create an account.
  2. Fill in all the fields on the form and click on the ‘Create Account’ button.
  3. Once Account has been successfully created, click on the ‘Finish and Proceed for Application System’ button.

Is Pune University prestigious?

Savitribai Phule Pune University was ranked 601–800 in the world by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings of 2020, as well as 135 in Asia and 128 among Emerging Economies University Rankings in 2020….Rankings.

University rankings
General – international
Outlook India (Universities) (2020) 9

How can I get pun University PRN number?

PRN: (Permanent Registration Number) This number is allotted to a student when he/she first appears for university exam. This number is must for creating profile. This number is printed on student’s university mark sheet. Previous Exam Marksheet: Keep Previous Exam Marksheet with you while creating profile.

How can I get my lost Marksheet from Pune University?

Candidate has to Apply Online for duplicate statement of Marks and send the printout of the same to the Controller of Examinations along with adequate fee receipt, Xerox copy of statement of marks, if have.

How can I get old convocation certificate from Pune university urgently?

Candidate can apply online for duplicate Degree Certificate, send the printout of same to the Controller of Examinations along with receipt of Bank Challan and Xerox copy of final year statement of marks. Who has obtained original degree certificate.

How can I get my lost Marksheet from Pune university?

What is rank for Be Pune?

Today, this university, ranked number 10 in the NIRF (National ranking of the Ministry of HRD, Government of India), is a leading University covering three districts in Maharashtra State, namely, Pune, Ahmednagar and Nashik.

What is the rank of Pune University in world?

Savitribai Phule Pune University Ranking 2020-21 – Center for World University Rankings (CWUR)

Institution Name Savitribai Phule Pune University
Location India
World Rank 1372
National Rank 30
Quality of Education Rank 527

How do I download SPPU Hall tickets?

STEP-1 Visit- website. STEP 4- Print Hall ticket option will be shown here on this screen.

How do I download Unipune hall ticket?

How to Download UNIPUNE Hall Ticket 2021?

  1. Firstly, visit the Official site @
  2. By landing on the main page, search for the UNIPUNE Hall Ticket 2021.
  3. If the URL is available then click on it.
  4. Now enter all the required details.
  5. Tap on the submit tab.