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How can I use Caliber in a sentence?

How can I use Caliber in a sentence?

Caliber in a Sentence 🔉

  • Only dancers of the highest caliber will be invited to perform for the president.
  • For the position of advertising vice-president, we are looking for a person with the right caliber of marketing experience.
  • Only soldiers of the uppermost caliber are invited to join the elite squad of infantryman.

What does caliber mean in a sentence?

1 : level of excellence, skill, or importance She is a writer of the highest caliber. 2 : the diameter of a bullet or of the hole in the barrel of a gun. caliber. noun. cal·​i·​ber.

What is a high caliber person?

(US high-caliber) 1Of a high standard; high-quality; (of a person) highly capable; very skilled, experienced, etc. 2(Of a gun) having a large bore or calibre; (also of a bullet or other projectile) having a large diameter.

How do you use Calibre?

How to Convert an E-Book Using Calibre

  1. Step 1: Download and Launch Calibre. First of all, you will need to download Calibre by visiting the Calibre website.
  2. Step 2: Select an E-Book.
  3. Step 3: Edit.
  4. Step 4: Select an Output Format.
  5. Step 5: Send to Device.

How do you use wantonly in a sentence?

(1) All ludicrous examples of local councils wantonly spending excess cash are gratefully received. (2) In one shot the 27-year-old beauty sits wantonly on a jagged rock, her legs splayed. (3) This platform may let us display wantonly. (4) His diaries were wantonly destroyed.

What is an example of caliber?

Caliber is defined as the diameter size of a bullet. An example of caliber is a gun that needs a . 45 measured bullet. The diameter of the bore of a gun, usually measured in hundredths of inches or in millimeters.

What is your caliber?

The calibre of a person is the quality or standard of their ability or intelligence, especially when this is high. The caliber of his accomplishments produced a lasting influence.

What is man of caliber?

person The calibre of a person is the quality or standard of their ability or intelligence, especially when this is high.

Is it Calibre or caliber?

calibre, also spelled Caliber, in firearms, unit of measure indicating the interior, or bore, diameter of a gun barrel and the diameter of the gun’s ammunition; or the length of a gun expressed in relation to its interior diameter (now used only of naval and coastal defense guns).

What is the use of calibre?

Calibre-go supports multiple libraries across multiple accounts simultaneously. Calibre Sync (paid), an Android app by BIL Studio that lets you access Calibre libraries from cloud storage (Dropbox, OneDrive, Box, and pCloud), or from SD card.

What language is calibre in?

Calibre/Programming languages

What is the meaning of caliber of a gun?

In guns, particularly firearms, caliber (or calibre in British English) is the specified nominal internal diameter of the gun barrel bore regardless of how or where the bore is measured and whether or not the finished bore matches that specification.

What is a synonym for caliber?

quality, caliber, calibre(noun) a degree or grade of excellence or worth. “the quality of students has risen”; “an executive of low caliber”. Synonyms: lineament, character, tone, quality, timbre, bore, calibre, timber, gauge. bore, gauge, caliber, calibre(noun) diameter of a tube or gun barrel. Synonyms:

What does calibered mean?

Definition of caliber. 1a : degree of mental capacity or moral quality teachers of high caliber. b : degree of excellence or importance the caliber of instruction. 2a : the diameter of a bullet or other projectile.

What is the opposite of caliber?

Antonyms for caliber include estimate, guess, pleasure, disadvantage, impotence, inability, inadequacy, incompetence, ineptness and lack. Find more opposite words at