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How can two objects have the same mass but have different density?

How can two objects have the same mass but have different density?

Answer:Because mass and volume are independent, two objects with the same volume can have different masses. Therefore, the objects can have different densities.

What are two objects with the same mass but different volume?

– Objects with the same mass but different volumes have different densities. – Objects with different masses but the same volume have different densities. – Liquids with different densities can be layered.

What 2 things have the same mass?

The nuclear particles, protons and neutrons, are conceived to have a positive electronic charge, and a neutral charge respectively. The protonic mass is 1.672621898(21)×10−27⋅kg . And the neutron mass is 1.674927471(21)×10−27⋅kg , so to a first approx. these masses are equal.

Can objects that are the same size have different densities?

Density is defined as mass per unit volume. In other words, you take the mass divided by the volume (its dimensions). This means that if two objects have the same dimensions, but different masses, they will have different densities.

Does same mass mean same density?

The mass of atoms, their size, and how they are arranged determine the density of a substance. Density equals the mass of the substance divided by its volume; D = m/v. Objects with the same volume but different mass have different densities.

How can two objects have the same momentum but different mass?

The momentum of an object varies directly with the speed of the object. Two objects of different mass are moving at the same speed; the more massive object will have the greatest momentum. A less massive object can never have more momentum than a more massive object.

Can two different materials have the same density?

Finding any matching densities will give you information about the possible identity of the unknown substance. However, it is possible for two different substances to have the same density.

Why different materials have different densities?

This is because the particles are tightly packed in both states. The same number of particles in a gas spread further apart than in the liquid or solid states. The same mass takes up a bigger volume – this means the gas is less dense. Density also depends on the material.

What is difference between mass density and density?

Mass is the quantity of matter while volume is the measure of space occupied by the object. The ratio of these two aspects of the matter is known as density….Comparison Chart.

Basis for Comparison Mass Density
Represent Matter present in a body. Mass present per unit volume.
SI unit Kilogram Kilogram per cubic metre

Do objects with the same density float?

Density is the only thing affecting whether something floats or sinks. If an object has a higher density than the fluid it is in (fluid can mean liquid or gas), it will sink. If it has a lower density, it will float.

How can two objects with different masses and volumes have the same density?

The density is (mass) divided by (volume). As long as the answer to the division is the same, the densities are the same. Here’s a simple example: Take one brand new Golf ball. It has a mass, it has a volume, and (mass) / (volume) is the density of the golf ball. Now take a carton of 24 of the same identical golf balls.

Can you have equal density but not equal mass?

You can have equal densities but unequal masses if the volumes are different, or equal masses and unequal densities if you have appropriate volumes. Density is the measure of mass per unit volume of a substance. If you know the density of a substance, you will need to also know it’s total volume to calculate it’s total mass.

Is it possible for two objects to have the same mass?

If you are measuring two identical materials at the same temperature and pressure they will have the same volumes. We can make things look like they have more volume (hollow sphere) but if you melted both spheres down they would fill the same amount of space. Is it possible for objects with different densities to have the same mass? Oh yes !

How are mass and density of an element related?

If there is a single substance with a particular mass it will have a particular volume and therefore have a particular density. Since elements have different atomic numbers, their atomic weights are different, no matter what the gravity is being imposed, their mass per unit volume also will be different and visa versa.