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How can you tell if a yellow tang is male or female?
“For those interested in sexing their yellow tangs, if you look just rear of the scalpels on the tail, mature males have a patch of raised scales that give the appearance of tiny white, fuzzy spikes. Females do not have these.
Is it hard to breed yellow tangs?
Captive breeding has been done successfully for most freshwater fish and many marine corals but the task of breeding marine fish, like the yellow tang, is a bit more challenging. The larvae of this species are microscopic and they eat sub-microscopic copepods and algae.
Can I keep a yellow tang in 40 gallons?
I wouldn’t do a yellow tang in a 40 gallon. Way to small for a fish that gets 7 to 8 inches.
What size tank does a yellow tang need?
Yellow tang need plenty of space (tanks should be over 50 gallons) and to explore every part of the tank.
When should I add a tang?
1 year. That is a good round number for adding tangs to a tank. A tank should be well condition prior to adding tangs, you can get by with 8 months (sometimes).
Can you put a yellow tang with a purple tang?
Adding a yellow tang (Zebrasoma flavescens) and adding the purple tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum) into the aquarium at the same time would be your best bet especially if you have an aquarium under 150 gallons. They will become aggressive towards each other if you don’t introduce them at the same time.
What does a yellow tang fish look like?
Male and female yellow tang look very similar (though the female is often larger than the male). When mating, however, males change color and have a “shimmering” behavior which makes them identifiable. In the wild, yellow tang travel alone or in loose schools, and spawn around the time of the full moon.
What kind of behavior does a yellow tang have?
They can be aggressive, are prone to marine ich, and may damage coral within a reef tank. Male and female yellow tang look very similar. When mating, however, males change color and have a “shimmering” behavior which makes them identifiable.
How many dorsal spines does a yellow tang have?
Male and female yellow tang look very similar. When mating, however, males change color and have a “shimmering” behavior which makes them identifiable. The yellow tang has 5 dorsal spines along with 23-26 dorsal soft rays.
Is it possible to breed a yellow tang?
Yellow tang are group spawners, but it is extremely difficult to breed these fish in captivity. Only since 2015 have researchers managed to keep a group of juvenile yellow tang alive past the larval stage. This achievement has significant potential for increasing the availability of pet yellow tang.