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How deep can clownfish go in the ocean?
Clownfish live on coastal seaward reefs and in shallow and sheltered lagoons at depths of 1-12 m (3.3-39.3 ft).
Are clownfish in the ocean?
Clownfish are found in warm waters, such as the Red Sea and Pacific Oceans, in sheltered reefs or lagoons, living in anemone.
How do clown fish survive in the ocean?
They can only live in ten out of more than one thousand species of sea anemone. Clownfish have a mucus covering that protects them from the sting of the sea anemone’s tentacles. This mucus prevents them from being harmed, and allows clownfish to live in sea anemone.
How far can clown fish travel?
CAIRNS: Scientists have revealed just why it may be so very difficult to find Nemo – a baby clownfish has the ability to swim up to 400km in search of a new home.
Can clownfish live without anemone?
It should be understood that clownfish in an aquarium do not need an anemone to survive. These corals will often provide a suitable host for the clownfish and are often much hardier than anemones. Remember that your clownfish does not need an anemone to thrive and your clownfish will do great without one.
Do clownfish live in the Indian Ocean?
Clownfish like to live in warm water, and are found in the southern Pacific and Indian Oceans in shallow reef areas. The fish pluck these bits of food from the water as they pass by. In addition, these fish sometimes eat the unfinished meals of their host anemones.
How are clownfish able to live in the sea?
Clownfish live in a “symbiotic” relationship with certain anemones. This means they benefit from living with the sea anemone, and the sea anemone benefits from the presence of the clownfish. They are the only fish that are able to live in sea anemones and not get stung by their tentacles. Clownfish are very active fish and are extremely aggressive.
What kind of food does a clownfish eat?
Clownfish eat various small invertebrates and algae, as well as food scraps the anemone leaves behind.
Can a clownfish be a male or female?
Clownfish are all born males. Once they become female, they cannot be male again. 4. Though there are theories, it is not yet known how clownfish survive the anemone’s poison. 5. Male clownfish are the primary caretakers for their young, with females only helping on occasion. 6. Clownfish communicate by making popping and clicking noises.
How are clownfish killed in the Great Barrier Reef?
In return, the clownfish uses its bright colours to lure fish into the anemone, where they are killed by the anemone’s poison and eaten. The clownfish also fertilises the anemone with its faeces. 1. Clownfish eggs can be hatched anytime during the year.