Table of Contents
How did Brian rebuild his shelter?
Lesson Summary He rebuilds his shelter by weaving branches and logs together. He also creates a safe place to keep his food and finds a way to trap fish so that he can keep them alive and available at all times.
How does Brian improve his food situation?
How does Brian improve his food situation? He converts a hollow in the rock above his shelter into a food pantry by constructing a door to cover it. He also creates a little wall in the pond in which he can trap fish to more efficiently catch them as needed.
How does brain improve his shelter?
Brian learns from this episode that food has to be protected. He decides to improve his shelter by tearing it down and rebuilding it. He spends three days weaving branches together, so tightly that nothing can get in unless it tears the whole thing down.
Why did Brian take 4 baths a day?
Brian is sprayed by a skunk and must take four baths a day to get rid of the smell. Brian is alone in the wilderness and must learn how to take care of himself. Brian is angry with his mother over the secret and his mother tells her boyfriend to go away.
What happens to Brian’s face while he’s sleeping?
Brian woke up craving water. It physically pained him. What had happened to his face while he slept? He slept when the sun was up, so his face was extremely burnt.
Why did Brian cut himself with the hatchet?
As the wolves go by, Brian enters a deep reflection about the time that has passed since the airplane missed his smoke signal. Brian thinks about how much he has changed. ” After the plane, Brian let the fire go out and did not even eat. Finally, he decided he would use his hatchet to cut himself and commit suicide.
How does Brian store his fish *?
How does Brian store his fish? Brian tied the fish with one of his shoelaces and hung them in a tree. Brian built a holding pen out of rocks at the edge of the lake.
What did Brian see on a bike ride with his friend Terry?
In a semi-dream state, Brian vividly recalls every detail of the incident in which he discovers “The Secret.” He had been riding his bike with his friend Terry when he saw his mother in a strange car, kissing a man with short blond hair.
What caused Brian to get sick *?
What caused Brian to get sick? Brian ate too many berries. What did Brian keep thinking about when he could not sleep?
Why did Brian crawl out of his shelter?
Why does Brian come to a stop after initially fleeing the area? He realizes the bear just wants some berries.
How many fish did Brian eat in hatchet?
He caught at least twenty of them that first day, roasting them over the fire on a stick and eating until he was full.