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How did Cabrillo die?

How did Cabrillo die?

Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo/Cause of death

There, around Christmas Eve, Cabrillo stepped out of his boat and splintered his shin when he stumbled onto a jagged rock while trying to rescue some of his men from attacking Tongva warriors. The injury became infected and developed gangrene, and he died on January 3, 1543 and was buried.

How did Cabrillo break his arm?

Cabrillo died on this island on January 3, 1543. One story says it was a result of his broken arm in October. Others say that he slipped on a rock in December and shattered his shinbone.

What happened to Cabrillo?

Historians believe he anchored his flagship, the San Salvador, on Point Loma’s east shore near the land that becomes Cabrillo National Monument. Cabrillo later died during the expedition, but his crew continued on, possibly as far north as Oregon, before thrashing winter storms forced them back to Mexico.

What happened to Cabrillo on San Miguel Island?

During all the time the fleet was at the Island Capitana the Indians never stopped fighting.” It was at this winter location, possibly San Miguel but also likely Santa Cruz or Santa Catalina, that Cabrillo sustained his mortal injury and died.

Where was Cabrillo buried?

Cabrillo died on January 3, 1543, and is believed to have been buried on Catalina Island.

When was Cabrillo born?

March 13, 1499
Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo/Date of birth

How did Cabrillo treat the Native Americans?

Kelsey (Kelsey 1991:31) quoted Bartolome de las Casas (1552) and Francisco de Torres (1564) who gave sworn testimony of Cabrillo’s treatment of the Honduran Indian people. He had control of them, and they served him by carrying supplies to his mines and transporting pitch for a ship that Juan Rodriguez was building.

How old was Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo when he died?

43 years (1499–1543)
Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo/Age at death

What did Cabrillo discover?

On September 28, 1542, the Spanish explorer Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo arrives in San Diego Bay while searching for the Strait of Anian, a mythical all-water route across North America. Cabrillo was not the first to search for a water passage across the North American continent, and he would not be the last.

Where is Cabrillo buried?

What was Cabrillo Highway named after?

Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo (1497-3 January 1543) was a Spanish explorer who was best known for his exploration of California from 1542 to 1543. The “Cabrillo Highway” of coastal California is named for him.

Who explored California first?

navigator Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo
When Spanish navigator Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo became the first European to sight the region that is present-day California in 1542, there were about 130,000 Native Americans inhabiting the area.