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How did Jessica Watson change the world?

How did Jessica Watson change the world?

When 16-year-old Jessica Watson sailed into Sydney Harbour on 15 May 2010, to become the youngest person to sail solo and unassisted around the world, she inspired a nation. Jessica Watson sailing. The youngest person to sail solo and unassisted around the world.

How long did Jessica Watson take to sail around the world?

Teen sailor Jessica Watson has finally achieved her dream. After a 210-day journey of a lifetime, the 16-year-old from Queensland’s Sunshine Coast has set foot on dry land and become the youngest person to sail around the world, solo, non-stop and unassisted.

What challenges did Jessica Watson face?

The might of the oceans proved every bit as challenging as everyone predicted. Watson faced waves of up to 12 metres and her Pink Lady was knocked down with its mast in the water multiple times during the voyage. During one particularly violent storm, doubts eventually began to creep in, Watson admits.

What boat did Jessica Watson sail around the world?

Almost 12 years ago, the nation watched as 16-year-old Jessica Watson set sail around the world in her bright pink yacht, Ella’s Pink Lady. After 210 days alone at sea, Watson sailed back into Sydney Harbour a national hero and the youngest person to complete a solo, unassisted and non-stop trip around the world.

How big was Jessica Watson’s boat?

Before Jessica Watson steered her 34-foot yacht across four oceans, circling the globe without stopping once, her yacht had a collision with a 63,000-ton bulk carrier during the first night of a sea trial. Her boat, Ella’s Pink Lady, lost its mast.

Where is Jessica Watson’s boat?

The Queensland Maritime Museum
The Queensland Maritime Museum has become the home for Ella’s Pink Lady, after the Queensland and Commonwealth governments jointly purchased the yacht. The Pink Lady is part of sailing history after Queenslander Jessica Watson made history as the youngest person to sail solo and unassisted around the world in 2009/10.

What did Jessica Watson do on her voyage?

Jessica Watson (OAM) navigated some of the world’s most remote oceans and survived seven knockdowns and 210 days alone at sea to become the youngest person to sail solo, nonstop around the world, aged 16. On completion of the voyage, Jessica was met by the then Prime Minister who declared her an Australian hero.

What was Jessica Watson’s mission?

I wanted to challenge myself and achieve something to be proud of. And yes, I wanted to inspire people. I hate that so many dreams never actually become anything more than that, a dream.