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How did southern militia groups helped Democrats regain control of state and local governments in the South?

How did southern militia groups helped Democrats regain control of state and local governments in the South?

How did Southern militia groups help Democrats regain control of state and local governments in the South? It meant a return to the “Old South” where they had little political power and were forced to labor under diffi- cult and unfair conditions. How did sharecroppers pay the rent on their farms?

What goal did Southern leaders have for the postwar New South?

Southern leaders realized the South could never return to the pre-Civil War agricultural economy dominated by the planter elite. Instead, these Southerners called for the creation of a “New South” based on a strong industrial economy.

How did many white Southerners respond to radical Reconstruction?

After 1867, an increasing number of southern whites turned to violence in response to the revolutionary changes of Radical Reconstruction. The Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist organizations targeted local Republican leaders, white and Black, and other African Americans who challenged white authority.

How did the southern economy and society change after the Civil War?

How did the southern economy and society change after the Civil War? Their economy lagged behind after the war. They had to rebuild economy, shift away from cash crops, there was no more slavery, small farms replaced large plantations.

Why did many Southerners hate other Southerners who supported reconstruction calling them scalawags?

Why did many white Southerners hate other Southerners who supported Reconstruction, calling them scalawags? They saw them as traitors to Southern Society, allying themselves with Northerners and overthrowing the established Southern social order.

What kind of movement is the militia movement?

The militia movement is a relatively new right-wing extremist movement consisting of armed paramilitary groups, both formal and informal, with an anti-government, conspiracy-oriented ideology.

How did the New Deal help the south?

The pamphlet denounced the hardships wrought by the southern economy—in his introductory letter to the Report, called the region “the Nation’s No. 1 economic problem”—and blasted reactionary southern anti-New Dealers. He suggested that the New Deal could save the South and thereby spur a nationwide recovery.

Where did the term unorganized militia come from?

Gale’s appropriation of the term “unorganized militia” is significant; it is a statutory term in federal and state law that refers to the nominal manpower pool created a century ago when federal law formally abandoned compulsory militia service.

When did the militia movement start in Florida?

In the early 1990s, several prototype militias had emerged in Connecticut and Florida on the basis that members of the “militia” were exempt from federal gun laws.