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How did Spanish rule affect the lives of the Indians?

How did Spanish rule affect the lives of the Indians?

Native Americans were treated very poorly under the Spanish rule. They were offered as grants called encomiendas to the Spanish Colonists, and many were treated as slaves. Native Americans also started to lose their customs and beliefs as the Spanish pushed for Christianity.

How did the arrival of the Spanish impact the natives?

As the English, French, and Spanish explorers came to North America, they brought tremendous changes to American Indian tribes. Diseases such as smallpox, influenza, measles, and even chicken pox proved deadly to American Indians. Europeans were used to these diseases, but Indian people had no resistance to them.

What became the overall Spanish legacy to the New World?

The Spanish contribution to the Independence of the United States of America and the discovery and exploration of the Pacific – an early example of globalization – are also an aspect of this legacy.

Why did the Spanish convert the American Indians?

One part of the Spanish conquest of the Americas focused on religion: on their need to convert Native Americans to the one true religion. The Spanish viewed Indians as heathen savages who worshipped devils. Therefore, Indians would spend eternity suffering the tortures of hell unless they were saved.

What did the Indians do after they met the Europeans?

Many big changes happened to the first Americans soon after Europeans met them. But Indian people survived diseases, huge shifts in their cultures, and even the destructive slave trade.

What did the American Indians do for a living?

American Indians were creative. They found ways to live in deserts, in forests, along the oceans, and on the grassy prairies. Native peoples were great hunters and productive farmers. They built towns and traded over large distances with other tribes. These were the people the European explorers met when their ships landed in America.

How did the missionization of California affect the Indians?

“While missionization destroyed populations and dismantled families and tribes, secularization dispersed the remaining Indians across the state.” 2 “The destruction, dismantling, and dispersion of the missionized California Indians was further exacerbated by the genocide, kidnapping, and legalized servitude of Indians by European Americans.

How long did the American Indians live in North America?

Archaeologists tell us that American Indians may have been on the North American continent for fifty thousand years. They were the first Americans, and they were great explorers, too. They didn’t come to this continent all at once. It is thought that these ancient adventurers arrived at different times, over several thousands of years.