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How did Steven make up with Renee?

How did Steven make up with Renee?

When Steven told his parents about the concert idea his Dad did not like the idea and his Mom got quieter and quieter and then got sick. How did Steven make up with Renee? Steven and Renee made up on the bus when he offered her a piece of gum, which she accepted, and then they talked about things.

Why wouldn’t Steven let Renee in his house?

Why wouldn’t Steven let Renee in his house? He was mad at her. She had a cold.

Why did Steven’s mother pick him up from the dance in her sweatpants?

Steven’s mother picked him up from the dance in her sweatpants because Jeffrey had a fever and she had no time to change her clothes and her husband was at a business dinner so she dropped everything to pick up Steven from the dance and head straight to the hospital with Jeffrey.

What was so special about Steven’s special sticks?

What makes Steven’s “Special Sticks” so special? They are custom made just for him. They were once used by a famous drummer, Carter Beauford. They were once his dad’s sticks.

What type of leukemia does Jeffrey have?

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
By the end of the book he feels that he has become friends with Renee, and he is finding Annette beautiful. Jeffrey Alper – Jeffrey, or ‘Jeffy’ is Steven’s little brother who is diagnosed with Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Jeffrey is described by Steven as being ‘too cute,’ and he adores his brother.

Why does the doctor ask Jeffrey to get him a tissue?

And When Jeffery had an asthma attack. Why does the doctor ask for Jeffrey to get a tissue? To see if he walks with a limp.

Who volunteers to be Steven’s tutor for all subjects except math?

When Renee Albert volunteered to tutor Steven in math, it made all the guys so obviously jealous that Steven couldn’t help feeling as though he had a “target on his forehead.” While Steven was absent from school because of the flu, Renee Albert kept asking Annette about how he was doing.

Why did Miss Palma think that Steven’s journal should not be private?

Why did Miss Palma think Steven’s journal should not be private? She didn’t think it should be private because the journal entry was about world languages in school. You just studied 10 terms!

Who is the mother of Steven and Jeffrey Alper?

Steven and Jeffrey’s mother, Mrs. Alper , is a high school English teacher who puts her family first. She takes an open-ended leave from work so she can go with Jeffrey to Philadelphia for two days every week, keep track of his medications, and anything else he might need.

What kind of cancer does Jeffrey Alper have?

Jeffrey Alper – Jeffrey, or ‘Jeffy’ is Steven’s little brother who is diagnosed with Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Jeffrey is described by Steven as being ‘too cute,’ and he adores his brother.

How long has Jeffrey Alper been a rheumatologist?

Alper has been involved in clinical research for 25 years helping to bring new and innovative therapies to patients with rheumatic diseases. With expert medical care and patient education, we can achieve success in treating your illness. We look forward to working together with you in the future.

What happens to Jeffrey Alpers in Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie?

Jeffrey’s chemo treatments make him constantly nauseous and eventually cause his hair to fall out. His immune system becomes so weak that even a slight fever becomes a serious situation. In addition to the emotional toll that cancer takes on the family, the medical bills begin to create serious financial difficulties for the Alpers.