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1. From the DTS Dashboard, select Trips Awaiting Action, then open the authorization from the document listing. 2. Carefully review the trip, particularly the Review Trip and the Other Auths and Pre Audits screens.
How do I approve DTS orders?
-Click on: Green Button, “Login to DTS” in the middle of the screen -Click through to your sign on -Highlight on the first column, Official Travel, select Authorizations/Orders -A list of your trips will come up. Select the trip marked with the departure date.
How do I unlock a document in DTS?
To unlock a locked document: 1. Mouse over Administration on the DTS Dashboard (Figure 3) and select Document Unlock Tool from the drop-down list. Figure 3: Administration Drop-Down – Document Unlock Tool 2.
What is an authorizing official’s status regarding travel documents in DTS quizlet?
What is an Authorizing Official’s status regarding travel documents in DTS? They are Certifying Officers when approving travel documents that contain payments, and Departmental Accountable Officials at all other times.
A DTS authorization is a document used to generate a cost estimate for official travel outside your local area and obtain approval for the trip.
How do I know if my DTS is approved?
How do I check the status of my DTS submission? Check document status by logging in to DTS. Go to “Official Travel” vouchers or authorization, and then look in the “Sort by Status” column. Or, go to the digital signature page within the document.
What does voucher submit mean in DTS?
A voucher is a claim for reimbursement of actual expenses you* incurred and payment of allowances you earned while you were TDY. When you create a voucher in DTS, the system populates it with information from your approved DTS authorization.
How do I check my travel voucher status?
Army active duty, Reserve, National Guard and defense agency employees can also use myPay to check their status. Login and select “Travel Voucher Advice of Payment” from your main menu. Call 1-888-332-7366 (DSN 699-0300) the self-service telephone line to find out if your voucher has been paid.