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How do I fix my timing chain noise?
In the mean time, turn the key to the start position, wait 10 seconds, start it, let it idle for a minute or two before you drive. That will save some wear. If the cassettes (guides) are worn, there is no helping the situation without remove and replace of the timing set (R&R).
How do you test a timing chain for noise?
Don an automotive stethoscope and place the probe on the top or side of the timing chain cover. If you hear a rattle, metal to metal slapping or scraping coming from inside the cover, it indicates a timing chain noise.
How much timing chain slack is too much?
As mentioned, 1/2″ deflection is considered max. A worn timing chain won’t cause a miss not until it’s so worn it jumps a tooth (and then you’ve got a lot more problems than a miss *LOL*).
Can you tighten timing chain?
Timing chain’s have no tensioner, are made to fit, and cannot be tightened. When a timing chain is stretched too far, you purchase a timing set (chain with matching crankshaft & cam gears, as they MUST be changed together.
What happens if timing chain is loose?
When a timing chain is loose or stretched, you might experience misfires while driving because the timing between the valves and pistons is out of sync, which affects the combustion in the engine. A stretched chain can skip a gear on the cam or crankshaft so that the engine’s timing falls out of calibration.
Can a timing chain be tightened?
Is a timing chain supposed to be tight?
For me on as fresh chain it should have no slack but very slight tension. If you lightly tap it it should not flutter but not be rigid. It’s hard really to describe, it’s more of a feel thing. It will stretch a bit once it runs so you don’t really want to start out with it loose.
What happens when timing chain jumps?
An engine with a jumped timing chain will show signs of very sluggish and slow starting. This happens because the firing sequence is retarded due to a chain that has jumped a tooth. A chain that has jumped two or more teeth may not start at all.
Do timing chains make noise?
Timing chain noise is commonly most noticeable during cold startup of the vehicle when oil pressure and oil flow is at its lowest. Excess slack in the timing chain can cause a rattling sound or even a clanking sound if the slack is severe enough to cause the chain to contact the timing chain cover.
When do you know to change the timing chain?
A timing chain runs inside the engine, as it needs to be lubricated by the engine oil. A timing belt typically needs to be replaced between 40,000 and 100,000 miles depending on the vehicle and it’s a few hundred dollar repair. A timing chain doesn’t need to be replaced unless there is a problem with it.
What’s the best way to measure chain deflection?
Probably someone has an easier way to measure chain deflection and I’d appreciate knowing how they do it. I cut down a yard stick so I could get it through and measure. I stick an open end wrench of the proper size (say 1/2″) thru the hole.
What can I do to avoid timing chain problems?
To avoid timing chain problems you should maintain your engine properly and have the engine oil changed at recommended intervals. Using premium quality engine oils and oil filters will also help. Keeping the proper oil level will ensure that the timing chain is always lubricated.
What’s the correct distance between the timing marks?
The correct distance between marks is 124 – 126 mm. The distance specification from intake camshaft to the mark on the cam cover is 61 – 64 mm. If timing is off, the timing chain is stretched and should be replaced. In addition: