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How do I force eject a disc from my PS3?

How do I force eject a disc from my PS3?

However, if this method doesn’t work, you can unplug the PS3 from a power source and eject the disc manually. Turn off the PS3 with the power button on the back, then unplug the AC power cord. Unscrew the screw cover on the underside of the PS3, then lift it off.

Where is the eject button on PS3?

” PS3’s don’t have eject buttons, they have sensors. Only Slims have buttons.

What causes PS3 YLoD?

The usual cause for this light to appear is due to the NEC/Tokin capacitors on the motherboard degrading over time and no longer being able to provide enough power to the CPU or GPU. The YLoD can usually be fixed in older PlayStation 3’s that utilize NEC/Tokin capacitors by replacing them with tantalum capacitors.

Can you fix the yellow light of death?

Like a canary in the coal mine, a flashing yellow on the PS3 gaming signals impending doom. Whether it’s the power supply or the motherboard, your PS3 can often be rescued. In the case of a power supply failure, simply replace with a new power supply.

Why is my PS3 disc not spinning?

This may be caused by either a motor failure or by a foreign object blocking the motor. If the issue is with the laser, the disc may load but the laser does not detect a disc and then does not spin the motor. This may be caused by an excessively dirty laser lens or a laser that has otherwise burned out.

How can I remove a game from my PS3?

From the “ Game ” menu, highlight “ Game Data Utility “, then press “ X ” to select it. Toggle your selection to the game you wish to remove. Press “ Triangle ” on the controller and a menu will appear to the right. Highlight “ Delete “, then press “ X ” on the controller to select it. Highlight “ Yes “,…

How do I download a game on my PS3?

All you have to do is create a user on any other PS3 and put you’re PSN account on it (each Playstation User can hold only one account, and each PS3 can hold up to 16 users), then go to the PSN Store and select the desired item on the Download List.

How do I uninstall apps on my PS3?

PS3: How to Uninstall Apps and Games. If you need to free some hard drive space on your Sony PS3, you will want to learn how to uninstall apps and games from the console. Uninstalling Apps. From the main menu, use your controller to highlight the app in the list, but don’t press “X” to open it. Instead, press “Triangle“, and a menu will appear.

How to fix the YLOD on a PS3?

The first thing to do is this: 1 Shut down, turn off, and unplug your console. 2 Leave the console off for 20-30 minutes and allow it to cool down completely. 3 Check all the wiring between the console and other accessories (television, audio equipment, etc.) 4 Remove the PS3 hard drive from the console.