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How do I make a complaint about Section 8?

How do I make a complaint about Section 8?

Answer: You can file a complaint right online! Or you can call the Housing Discrimination Hotline: (800) 669-9777.

Who is in charge of Section 8 housing?

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development manages Section 8 programs. The Housing Choice Voucher Program provides “tenant-based” rental assistance, so a tenant can move from one unit of at least minimum housing quality to another.

What are Section 8 violations?

What can cause termination from Section 8 housing? Some common reasons include the tenant (or their guests) engaging in drug-related activity, not paying rent, Page 2 engaging in criminal activity, or violation of terms of the lease, to name a few. Fraud is another reason a recipient may be terminated from the program.

How do I report a problem to HUD?

Multifamily Housing Complaints: Complaints about the management of HUD-insured and HUD-assisted properties, including poor maintenance, dangers to health and safety, mismanagement, and fraud, can be reported to the Multifamily Housing Complaint Line at 1-800-MULTI-70 (1-800-685-8470).

How do I contact HUD?

Call toll-free (800) CALL-FHA (800-225-5342)

What are HUD violations?

Housing providers who refuse to rent or sell homes to people based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, or disability are violating federal law, and HUD will vigorously pursue enforcement actions against them.

Can you stay on Section 8 forever?

How long can I stay in the voucher program? Once you have a voucher, you generally have the right to keep it forever, unless you violate the rules of the program OR the housing authority runs out of money for the voucher program.

How much does the government spend on Section 8 housing?


2019 Housing Program Allocations, Proposed and Enacted
(Figures in Millions)
Section 8 Project-Based $11,515 $11,747
Public Housing Capital Fund $2,750 $2,750
Public Housing Operating Fund $4,550 $4,550

What if I lose my job while on Section 8?

Though the public housing authority won’t require you to work while receiving Section 8 housing vouchers, you must pay your portion of the rent once you sign a lease. If you quit your job, you must report the change to the public housing authority, which may or may not adjust your rent payments.

How much money can you have in the bank while on Section 8?

There is no asset limit for families seeking to get into public housing, the Section 8 voucher program, or HUD federally subsidized multifamily housing. This means that you will not be denied housing because of how much money you have in the bank or what you own.

How do I report a Section 8 violation?

Email your report to: [email protected]. Write to: HUD Inspector General Hotline (GFI), 451 7th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20410. Contact OIG via fax at: 202-708-4829. Submit an intake form.

How do I contact HUD by email?

Emails and phone messages will be responded to during normal hours of operation, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday on all non-Federal holidays….

  1. Online FAQ Site:
  2. Email: [email protected].
  3. Telephone: (800) CALL-FHA (1-800-225-5342)