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How do I talk to a FedEx agent?

How do I talk to a FedEx agent?

Contact us. Need help? Text 29372 to chat with our Virtual Agent.

Does FedEx have 24/7 customer service?

Customer Support Your feedback, suggestions and ideas are what keep us going 24 hours a day. We appreciate hearing what’s on your mind.

How do I get a human at FedEx?

1.800. GoFedEx 1.800. 463.3339 (When prompted, please say “International Services.”)

Is there a live chat for FedEx?

Online Chat
FedEx/Customer service chat

Does FedEx have live customer service?

FedEx Customer Service. Representatives are available online Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. CST, excluding holidays. * Denotes required fields. Please fill out the fields above, type your question in the box below, and click “Chat now” to proceed.

What do I do if I didn’t receive my package from FedEx?

First, contact FedEx as soon as possible so they can do a trace on the package and see if the driver remembers anything. You can reach them at 1–800–463–3339. Have your tracking number ready, and say “representative” through the first couple of prompts and that will get you right to a person.

Why does FedEx deliver so late?

Without those items attached to the package, FedEx can’t deliver it. It takes FedEx a while to deliver a package without these items because it takes the seller time to arrange and send them. The longer it takes the seller to send the documents, the longer the buyer has to wait for their package.

What happens if FedEx doesn’t deliver at 8pm?

The only guarantee you’ll get from the folks at FedEx with Standard Overnight is that your package or parcel will get where it’s going before 8 PM the next day.

What is a FedEx 800 phone number?

For the United States and Canada, the FedEx contact phone number is: 1-800-Go-FedEx or 1.800.463.3339. This number gets you Customer Support but also connects to the FedEx Corporate Offices.

How do you contact FedEx?

The main number is the same for the general customer support for US customers, but for international customers, the number is 1-800-247-4747. If you need TDD service (Telephone Device for the Deaf), call 1-800-238-4461. If you want to contact FedEx’s corporate offices, you can dial the 800 number or 1-469-980-3000.

What is the toll – free phone number for FedEx?

Phone Number of FedEx Courier Toll Free Contact is +1-800-463-3339, 901-369-3600 . FedEx Corporation is a multinational renowned company of courier delivery services.

How do I talk to FedEx?

The best number to call to reach a human at Fedex Customer Service Department is listed below: Phone number to call: 1-800-463-3339. How to Speak to a Live Person: Call 1-800-463-3339 and you will be directed to an automated voice message system. Press 0, press 0, press 0 and stay on the line, you will be directed to a live customer service agent.