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How do natural disasters affect air quality?
Disaster disturbs the air quality within airsheds. Disasters disturb the air quality for a long or short period. The exposure of life to large concentration of pollutants within short period may result in unpredicted impact as witnessed in release of toxic gases in industrial accidents.
What effect does a tsunami have on the environment?
Environmental impacts Tsunamis not only destroy human life, but have a devastating effect on insects, animals, plants, and natural resources. A tsunami changes the landscape. It uproots trees and plants and destroys animal habitats such as nesting sites for birds.
What would happen if you were under water during a tsunami?
If you’re too close to powerful tsunami waves, you’re at risk of being dragged inshore onto hard land. Just like in drift diving – only much stronger and faster – there is the risk of crashing into underwater structures, being knocked unconscious or sustaining fatal blows.
Which natural disaster causes a lot of air pollution?
However, wildfires, floods volcanic eruptions, tsunamis or earthquakes can release these elements suddenly and in large quantities. Geothermal activity, for example, can cause methylmercury—a highly toxic form of mercury found in aquatic environments—to be released into the air.
How do tsunamis cause pollution?
A tsunami creates a surge of ocean water that can sometimes engulf large geographic areas. As the ocean water comes ashore, drinking water wells can become submerged and potentially contaminated with microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, parasites) and chemicals that can adversely affect human health.
What is the effet of a tsunami?
The effects of the tsunami on the country during this period range from destruction and damage, death, injury, millions of dollars in financial loss, and long lasting psychological problems for the inhabitants of the region. The initial impact of the tsunami is often publicised across the world through the news media.
Where do tsunamis usually cause the most damage?
Effects can be long-lasting, and felt far beyond the coastline. Tsunamis typically cause the most severe damage and casualties near their source, where there is little time for warning. But large tsunamis can also reach distant shorelines, causing widespread damage.
How did the tsunami in East Africa affect the environment?
Structures collapsing, explosions from gas, electrocution, floating debris, and damaged tanks are another cause of death. The tsunami that struck East Africa and South East Asia in of December 2004 killed about 300,000 people. Besides destroying lives, a tsunami has a devastating effect on the environment.
How does the tsunami affect the coral reef?
The tsunami can also have a devastating effect on coral reefs. Coral reefs are the large structures under the sea composed of the bones of colonial water invertebrates known as coral. Coral reefs are referred to as rainforests of the sea. When tsunami occurs, its wave would go up as it entered shallow water and mash into the coral reef.