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How do Ponyboy and Johnny get their hiding place?

How do Ponyboy and Johnny get their hiding place?

After Johnny kills a Soc named Bob, Dally tells Johnny and Ponyboy to hop a freight train to Windrixville and hide out in an abandoned church on top of Jay Mountain. Dally gives them money, a gun, and advice on where to hide and how to get there.

How do Ponyboy and Johnny get to Jay Mountain?

Ponyboy and Johnny get to Jay Mountain by taking a train to Windrixville and then hiking up the mountain, where they stay in an old abandoned church until Dally comes for them.

How did Ponyboy and Johnny cut their hair?

Johnny takes his razor and saws Ponyboy’s long hair off, then bleaches it. Ponyboy is upset at his new haircut and believes his lighter, short hair makes him look like a pansy.

What do Johnny and Ponyboy need to get once they get to the church?

Dally was so real he scared me. The next morning, Ponyboy wakes in the church and finds a note from Johnny saying that he has gone into town to get supplies. When Johnny returns, he brings a week’s supply of baloney and cigarettes, and a paperback copy of Gone with the Wind, which he wants Ponyboy to read to him.

How was Johnny injured in the fire?

He was badly burned when part of the barn fell on him. Pony was told about his injuries by the man who took him to the hospital, who Pony initially thought was a schoolteacher. He burned one arm pretty badly, though, trying to drag the other kid out the window.

Who ends up helping Johnny and Ponyboy get away?

Bob starts to drown Ponyboy. Johnny stabs him and Ponyboy and Johnny run away. Who do Ponyboy and Jonny go to for help and what does he give them? They get help form Dally and he gives them a gun and some money.

How is the relationship between Ponyboy and Johnny important?

Johnny and Ponyboy are at different ages, but they still share the relationship like brothers. This relationship makes the novel more interesting and the reader learns that this relationship is important in the book. In this novel Ponyboy and Johnny get up to mischief and get into trouble with other gangs and with their other greasers.

What happens to Ponyboy and Johnny in Bartleby?

The Socs always jump the greasers, one day Johnny fights back, he ends up killing Bob. Johnny and Ponyboy run away to a church and hide until Dally comes and gets them. They then see the church was burning, Ponyboy and Johnny run into it to save the kids inside. Johnny and Dally get injured, Ponyboy is okay.

What happens to Johnny and Ponyboy in the Outsiders?

Johnny and Ponyboy run away to a church and hide until Dally comes and gets them. They then see the church was burning, Ponyboy and Johnny run into it to save the kids inside. Johnny and Dally get injured, Ponyboy is okay. The greasers win the rumble, the Socs will stay out of the greasers territory, Johnny

How did Ponyboy and Johnny pass the time at the church?

They read the book “Gone with the Wind”,talked and slept. Johnny and Ponyboy kill time in the church by sleeping and reading the book “Gone With The Wind” Johnny Cade and Ponyboy Curtis passed time in the church by reading GONE WITH THE WIND talking sleeping and waiting for Dallas (Dally) Wiston.