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How do sharks drink water?

How do sharks drink water?

Sharks take in small amounts of water through their gills (by osmosis – because they are slightly saltier than the sea) which means they don’t directly have to drink. Sharks also have a salt gland (in their rectum) to get rid of any excess salt they may have.

Do sharks swallow water?

During digestion sharks can evacuate their stomachs, but as far as I know, they don’t do this specifically to remove water. They will swallow the water, and fluids will move into the intestines while the stomach digests, which will repeat until the food is digested.

How do sharks feed?

There are three known methods that sharks use to eat. These are 1) filter feeding, 2) tearing and 3) swallowing the prey whole. Filter feeding is the method used by Whale Sharks, Basking Sharks and Megamouths. They feed mainly on plankton and, although they all make use of filters, their methods differ.

Why does the hammerhead shark have a hammer head?

Hammerhead sharks have a unique T-shaped head similar to that of a hammer, as you can see. For many years the shape of their head has been the cause of theories and studies. The latest and most accepted theory is that it evolved in such way so that the position of the eyes improves the animal’s vision.

Where do hammerhead sharks go to feed at night?

Most species feed in relatively shallow coastal waters and may even venture into brackish bays and estuaries. A few species migrate into offshore waters to feed at night. While hammerhead sharks usually are not considered dangerous, there have been several confirmed accounts of large hammerhead sharks attacking people.

Where do hammerhead sharks live in the world?

These sharks are widely distributed in tropical and temperate marine waters near the coasts and above the continental shelves. Hammerhead shark, any of 10 shark species belonging to the genera Sphyrna (9 species) and Eusphyrna (1 species), characterized by a flattened hammer- or shovel-shaped head, or cephalofoil.

When does a great hammerhead shark give birth?

Smaller species produce just a few young, whereas the great hammerhead will give birth to several dozen. Birth usually occurs during the spring and summer months, and females will usually give birth in shallow, protected coastal waters.