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How do you add related posts to Blogger?

How do you add related posts to Blogger?

Installing Blogger Related Posts Plugin

  1. Go to our Blogger Related Posts plugin page.
  2. Click on Add to Blogger button.
  3. A new tab will open in your browser with Blogger page asking you to select the blog where you want to install this plugin.
  4. Click on Add Widget button.

How do you add internal links on Blogger?

Here are some best practices for linking to your own site in a blog post:

  1. Link to your own site using natural text.
  2. Use full URLs in all your links, i.e. rather than just /article/.
  3. Don’t overdo it with the links.
  4. Link deep whenever you can.
  5. External links are OK too.

Can you pin a post on Blogger?

You can feature or “pin” any one of your blog posts – so that it always appears at the top of your blog section. Click on the [SETTINGS] gear of the blog post you want to feature. Note that you can only select one blog post to “pin”.

How do you add a widget to Blogger?

Adding widgets Log in to your Blogger account. Choose where you’d like to place your widget and click Add a Gadget. Scroll down to “HTML/JavaScript” and click the + icon to the right. Copy your widget code from the Branded Web Manager and paste it into the HTML/JavaScript box along with a title.

How do I hide related posts on Blogger?

To enable/disable the Related Posts section navigate to Theme Options -> Blog Options -> Single Post Page -> Related Posts and turn On/Off the option. With the Related Posts option turned on, we can also choose how many Related Posts to display using the Related Posts Quantity option.

How do you add tabs to Blogger?

Add Menu Tabs With the Pages Gadget

  1. Log in to Blogger.
  2. Click “Add a Gadget” in the sidebar section of the page, if you want to add menu tabs to the blog’s sidebar, or at the top of the page if you want to add menu tabs below the header section.
  3. Go to the “Pages” gadget in the dialog window.

What is difference between page and post in Blogger?

Think of pages as your static content or “one-off” kind of content that will seldom need changing. This might for example be your About page, and is seen as timeless entities. Posts on the other hand are your blog entries or dynamic content that gets added regularly.

How do I add an external link to my blog?

  1. Sign in to Blogger.
  2. In the top left, select a blog.
  3. From the menu on the left, click Layout.
  4. In the “Page List (Top)” section next to “Pages,” click Edit .
  5. Under “Pages to show,” click + Add external link.
  6. Enter the page title and URL and click Save Link. Save.

What are the 3 types of internal links?

There are four types of internal links you need to know of: contextual links, navigational links, footer links, and image links. Here’s an example of each: Contextual links.

How do you make a post always on top on Blogger?

How to Set a Post Always on Top in Blogger

  1. Navigate to your blog’s Overview page by signing in to Blogger and choosing your blog.
  2. Click on the post you want to stick at the top of the page.
  3. Repeatedly click the right side arrow next to the month and year.

What is a blog pin?

#3: Write Your Pin Description The pin description appears under the pin image and provides additional information about your blog post. No one else can write a better blog post description. Your description appears every time someone pins your post directly from your blog.

How to add related posts to blogger-related posts widget?

Let’s see how to get related posts below Blogger posts using related posts widget. To add related posts in Blogger all you need is related posts widgets which you can create one at link within. Go to and you will see a space for get widget. Enter your email address, your blog URL, select the platform as Blogger.

How to embed a button in a blogger post?

Pick a button style and copy the code from the Embed Button page . Or you can copy the default button style here: There are several places you can add the button in your theme. I’ll add it just below each post. On your Blogger dashboard, click ‘Template’ in the dropdown. Click ‘Edit HTML’ to open up the theme editor.

How can I get a widget for my blog?

Enter your email address, your blog URL, select the platform as Blogger. In width select whether you want 3,4 or 5 related posts for your Blogger to display. If your Blogger template is dark then check that box that says “my blog has a light text on dark background” and click Get widget.

How are related posts picked from other posts?

The related posts are picked from other posts having same category/label/tag. With this hack many of your readers will remain on your site for longer periods of time when they see related posts of interest. Step 1. Log in to your Blogger account and go to Template > Edit HTML