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How do you cheat on Poptropica?

How do you cheat on Poptropica?

Keyboard Cheats

  1. CTRL+SHIFT+1 – Laugh heartily.
  2. CTRL+SHIFT+2 – Weep.
  3. CTRL+SHIFT+3 – Get angry and (briefly) lose your head.
  4. CTRL+SHIFT+4 – Celebratory jump.
  5. CTRL+SHIFT+S – Assign a random skin tone.
  6. CTRL+SHIFT+H – Assign a random hair tone.
  7. CTRL+SHIFT+R – Randomly change all character attributes, gender excluded.

How do you sneak the drill bit past the guard on Poptropica?

Talk to Marion, and then go back right to the guard and ask for a drill bit. Go back left and talk to Marion to give it to him. Next you’ll learn how to use the Licence Plate Machine, which is what you do in the Metal Shop to earn pieces of gum.

How do you get the flambe mixer?

The Mixer is an item on Escape from Pelican Rock Island. It belongs to Flambe, and it can only be obtained after you change the vents in the dining room. You must turn on the fan and mix the potatoes, causing them to land on Florian Fosbury, who gets mad and starts throwing food everywhere.

How do you get to Reality TV Island on Poptropica?

Go to TV World to the far right and enter. Click and change the channels of a TV until you get to the channel showing the Reality TV Island commercial (its the one with the random poptropicans).

What happened to all the islands on Poptropica?

At one time there were more than 35 islands in Poptropica! The Poptropica Creators had to make the difficult decision to turn off some of the islands as they transitioned the technology of the game from outdated Flash to a new platform so everyone could continue to play worldwide.

How do I get the drill bit in Poptropica?

Talk to Marion, and then go back right to the guard and ask for a drill bit. Go back left and talk to Marion to give it to him.

What is the combination to the safe in Poptropica?

Open the safe now. The code is 26-34-30.

What is the code to the safe in Poptropica?

How do you get the three eggs in Poptropica?

The first egg is located on the right, above the basketball hoop. The second egg is located on the left. Jump on top of the statue of Warden Sharp, then up to the left. The third egg is located directly above the second egg.

How do you get the dummy head on Poptropica?

How do I make a dummy head? After you have chiseled out of your cell, a pile of plaster is left on the ground in the utility corridor. Fill your cup with the plaster. Take the plaster to the kitchen and dump it into the potatoes.

Why did Poptropica remove Islands?

They were removed due to the older technology resulting in game bugs, but Poptropica’s working on porting them to newer tech! We love those islands too, but need to update the technology. We’re hoping to bring them back once the game is no longer in flash!