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How do you describe family members in Spanish?

How do you describe family members in Spanish?

Vocabulary of the Family

  • Padre: father.
  • Madre: mother.
  • Hermano: brother.
  • Hermana: sister.
  • Suegro: father-in-law.
  • Suegra: mother-in-law.
  • Cuñado: brother-in-law.
  • Cuñada: sister-in-law.

What do aunts call their nephews in Spanish?

Nieces and nephews are sobrinas and sobrinos.

Which family members are considered nuclear in Spanish speaking countries?

Today, the nuclear family structure is the common living arrangement in Spain – this being a household comprising a couple and their unmarried children.

How do Hispanics view their families?

A Collectivist Culture With Strong Family Values (Familismo) Latinos tend to be highly group-oriented. A strong emphasis is placed on family as the major source of one’s identity and protection against the hardships of life. This sense of family belonging is intense and limited to family and close friends.

What are the names of the family members in Spanish?

Immediate Family members in Spanish. padre: father. madre: mother. hijo: son. hija: daughter. esposo: husband. esposa: wife. padres: parents. hermano: brother.

How do you pluralize the word family in Spanish?

Family members are common nouns so they will change from singular to plural and vice versa. Generally, their plural form is created by adding -S or -ES to the nouns. You simply have to add -S when the noun ends in a vowel such as NIETA → NIETAS and -ES when it ends in a consonant.

Who are the in-laws of your spouse in Spanish?

The In-Laws in Spanish. The in-laws are the members of the family of your spouse (the person you are married to) or via a marriage in your family: suegro: father-in-law suegra: mother-in-law yerno: son-in-law nuera: daughter-in-law cuñado: brother-in-law cuñada: sister-in-law.

When do you use Mi Familia in Spanish?

These words indicate possession, just like we would use MY, YOURS and so on in English, but in this case they show a relationship with another person. To put it differently, to say “my family in Spanish”, we would use “Mi familia” with the possessive adjective MI.