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How do you describe someone who is adaptable?

How do you describe someone who is adaptable?

Adaptable people can possess elastic-like energy, a willingness to bend and break habits, to challenge themselves when their circumstances change. They tend to face problems, pivot among distractions, and politely proceed forward. Adaptable people are prone to think ahead and consistently focus on improvement.

How do you use adaptability in a sentence?

Adaptability in a Sentence 1. Possessing a great sense of adaptability, the entrepreneur seems to be able to adjust to any change that comes his way. 2. Adaptable and resilient, camels need little water and can survive in many different environments.

What does adaptable mean in a sentence?

able or willing to change in order to suit different conditions: The survivors in this life seem to be those who are adaptable to change.

What is adaptability with example?

6. The definition of adaptability is the trait that allows something or someone to change according to need or environment. A person that could live in any country would be an example of a person who has adaptability.

How do you know if you are adaptable?

Learn more with our personality test. If you fear change or want to find a more positive way to see life’s unexpected twists and turns, becoming more adaptable can help. By learning to go more with the flow, you can embrace the challenges that come your way and turn them into opportunities.

Can you say someone is adaptable?

adaptable | American Dictionary able or willing to change: He’s pretty adaptable, and change doesn’t bother him.

How do you say adaptable on a resume?

Ability to think creatively and develop new and innovative solutions. You thrive in ambiguous environments and are confident in your decision-making ability. You learn new things quickly and aren’t afraid to try new ways of doing things. You’re flexible when new things are asked of you.

What is an example of an adaptability skill?

Adaptability as a skill refers to the ability of a person to change his actions, course or approach to doing things in order to suit a new situation. We constantly change our lifestyles because our world is changing always. That is an example of adaptability.

How do you show you are adaptable?

Having adaptability skills means you are open and willing to learn new things, take on new challenges and make adjustments to suit transitions in the workplace….

  1. Be aware of changes in your environment.
  2. Develop a growth mindset.
  3. Set goals for yourself.
  4. Ask for feedback.
  5. Learn to acknowledge and accept change.

How can I be adaptable at work?

How to become more adaptable at work

  1. Get out of your comfort zone.
  2. Be a better listener.
  3. Ask questions.
  4. Be willing to make mistakes.
  5. Find the positive.
  6. Learn from your coworkers.
  7. Find balance in your life.
  8. Practice emotional intelligence.

What is opposite of adaptable?

Opposite of able to be influenced. intractable. obdurate. obstinate. stubborn.

How do you show adaptability in an interview?

Use these tips to show interviewers that you are an adaptable candidate:

  1. Be positive. It’s important that you show employers that you can have a positive attitude when adjusting to changes.
  2. Share examples.
  3. Practice honesty.
  4. Show your skills.
  5. Be open-minded.
  6. Embrace the unknown.
  7. Be confident.

When to use adaptable in a complex sentence?

A complex sentence with “adaptable” contains at least one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. Dependent clauses can refer to the subject (who, which) the sequence/time (since, while), or the causal elements (because, if) of the independent clause.

Which is an example of an adaptable plant?

Among foliage plants such things as coleus, dusty miller, begonia, and some geraniums are adaptable. As usual in the adoption of foreign devices, we had to redesign these weapons to make them adaptable to American shop methods.

Which is the most adaptable animal in the world?

It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. She proved to be more adaptable and flexible than I hoped. Coyotes are one of the most adaptable and opportunistic of. Although leopards are adaptable they’re listed as ‘Near. If only he could be as adaptable at home as he was in the classroom.

Which is more adaptable a sparrow or a person?

They are very adaptable and also use open sites such as old magpie nests or holes in gateposts. But the English sparrow is more adaptable than are the people. We agree with the DoD’s conclusion that its systems must become more spectrally efficient, flexible and adaptable.