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How do you describe yourself in French?

How do you describe yourself in French?

To describe yourself, there are two important phrases: Je suis, meaning ‘I am,’ and J’ai, meaning ‘I have. ‘ To describe their height, men say ‘Je suis grand’ or ‘Je suis petit. ‘ Women use grande or petite. Both men and women say Je suis de taille moyenne.

How can I speak fluent French?

How to Speak French Fluently: A 5-step Method to Keep You on Track

  1. Get Back to the Classroom.
  2. Immerse Yourself Using All the Media Tools Around You.
  3. Join a French Conversation Group.
  4. Date a French Person (or Find a French Friend)
  5. Move to or Take a Trip to a French-speaking Country.

What does it mean to talk about yourself in French?

Quand j’étais petit (when I was little) is an often-used phrase for talking about how you used to be. Talking about yourself can be a hard skill to practice, and if you’re a beginner you may not have had the chance to have an authentic conversation with a French speaker yet.

How do you say what do you do in French?

In French, you ask quel est ton travail? (what is your job?) or the more formal quel est votre travail? (what is your job). To say what you do, simply say je suis… (I am) and state the job or profession. Keep in mind that you don’t add the word “a” (un or une) before the job in French in this context.

Which is the correct way to introduce yourself in French?

Introduce yourself. The standard form of self-introduction in French is “je m’appelle” (zhuh mah-pell) which I means “I call myself.” For example, you might say “je m’appelle Robert.” The French word for first name is “prenom” (prey–nom).

How do you Say my Name in French?

To say “my name is” in French, you just need the phrase “Je m’appelle.” Then say your name. For example, if the name is Linguajunkie, it would be like this…