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How do you express love in Romanian?

How do you express love in Romanian?

So Many Ways to Say “I Love You”

  1. The iubesc la nebunie = I love you like crazy.
  2. The iubesc la infinit = I love you infinitely.
  3. The voi iubi mereu = I will always love you.
  4. The iubesc cu toata inima = I love you with all my heart.
  5. The iubesc din suflet = I love you from the soul.
  6. The iubesc mult de tot = I love you a lot.

What do you call your Romanian girlfriend?

English Romanian translation Phonetic Transcription
baby, sweetheart, lover,darling… It can only be addressed to a Romanian man. iubițel /ju’bi.t͡sel/
baby, sweetheart, lover, darling iubi is the short form of iubțel or iubțică thus iubi can be addressed to both a Romanian man or to a Romanian woman. iubi /’

How do you say flirt in Romanian?

“flirt” in Romanian

  1. cochetă
  2. clopotar (curtezan)

What do you say on dragobete?

This kiss signals their engagement for one year, and Dragobete is an opportunity to show an attachment in front of the community. The traditional saying is that Dragobetele kisses the girls (Dragobetele saruta fetele in Romanian).

Is Romanian romantic?

Similarities to other Romance languages Despite its many unique aspects, Romanian is still a Romance language at its core.

What does Stan mean in Romanian?

Stan Surname User-submission: A Romanian last name that directly translate to ‘grass lover’. It may refer to the worshipper of god of grass.

What language does Romania use?

Romania/Official languages

What Dragobete means?

Dragobete is a traditional Romanian holiday celebrated on February 24. In Romania, Dragobete is known as a day for lovers, rather like Valentine’s Day. It is a common belief in some parts of Romania that, during this celebration, stepping over a partner’s foot leads to the dominant role in the relationship.

How do you compliment a girl in Romanian?

How do you compliment a Romanian girl?

  1. Ești frumoasă. “You’re beautiful.”
  2. Ești chipeș. “You’re handsome.”
  3. Ești drăguț. “You’re cute.”
  4. Arăți minunat. “You look gorgeous.”