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How do you find the length of a side of a square with a given area?

How do you find the length of a side of a square with a given area?

Correct answer: The area of any quadrilateral can be determined by multiplying the length of its base by its height. Since we know the shape here is square, we know that all sides are of equal length. From this we can work backwards by taking the square root of the area to find the length of one side.

How do you calculate 9 square Metres?

Multiply the length and width together. Once both measurements are converted into metres, multiply them together to get the measurement of the area in square metres.

What is the length of one side of a square field with an area of 900 square meters?

Area of square = 900 sq cm. Side of square = 900^0.5 = 30 cm.

What is side length?

sidelengthnoun. The length of a side (of a polygon).

What is the side of square?

4 sides
Answer: A square has 4 sides. A square has four corners and all the sides of a square are equal in length. Explanation: A square is a 4-sided regular polygon in which all the sides are equal and all the angles are 90 degrees.

How many square meters are there in 9 meters?

There are 126 square metres in the floor. Step-by-step explanation: 9 metres × 14 metres = 126 Square meters.

How many meters are in a square meter?

A square meter is a measurement of area. One square meter is the equivalent of the area of a square that is one meter in length on each side. The perimeter of such a square (the total distance around it) would be four meters.

What is the side of a square?

What is a side length?

Filters. (mathematics) The length of a side (of a polygon). noun. 10.

How many sides has a square?

Opposite sides of a square are both parallel and equal in length. All four angles of a square are equal (each being 360°/4 = 90°, a right angle). All four sides of a square are equal.

Why is the area of a square a side square?

A square is a 2D figure in which all the sides are of equal measure. Since all the sides are equal, the area would be length times width, which is equal to side × side. Hence, the area of a square is side square.