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How do you get grass in Doodle God?

How do you get grass in Doodle God?

Creation(Doodle God) Combine Earth and Moss to make Grass.

How do you make seeds in Doodle Devil?

Doodle Devil Quest: Jack-o-Lantern

  1. Apple + Earth = Seeds.
  2. Earth + Seeds = Grass, Mushroom, Tree.
  3. Tools + Tree = Apple, Stick, Wood.
  4. Fire + Stick = Torch.
  5. Apple + Radiation = Pumpkin.
  6. Pumpkin + Torch = Jack-o-Lantern.

How do you make Field in Doodle God?

Combine earth and tools to create field.

How do you make seeds in Doodle God?

Seeds is available by making one of the following combinations:

  1. Combine sand and wood to create seeds.
  2. Combine tree and tree to create seeds.
  3. Combine flower and flower to create seeds.
  4. Combine life and sand to create seeds.
  5. Combine grass and grass to create seeds.

How do I create seeds in Doodle God?

How do you make a seed in Doodle God?

This element is available in Doodle God (PC), Doodle God 2, Doodle God (App), Doodle God (Facebook), Doodle Devil (PC) and Doodle Devil (App). Seeds is available by making one of the following combinations: Combine sand and wood to create seeds. Combine tree and tree to create seeds. Combine flower and flower to create seeds.

What do you make with grass in Doodle God 2?

Combine Grass and Alcohol to make Absinthe (Doodle God 2). Combine Seeds and Earth to make Grass. Combine Seeds and Water to create Grass. Combine Grass and Grass to create Bushes. Combine Grass and Mountain Goat to create Antelope. Combine Grass and Horse to create Zebra.

What was the Doodle God used to make?

Used to Create(Doodle God) Combine Grass and Field to make Wheat. Combine Grass and Fire to make Tobacco. Combine Grass and Domestic Animal to make Milk and Fertilizer. Combine Grass and Swamp to make Reed.

How to create Reed plankton in Doodle God?

In Doodle God to create Reed select Swamp and grass. To create Plankton combine water and bacteria, To create Seeds combine Life and sand. To create ghost select life and ash.