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How do you get to the third district in Traverse Town?

How do you get to the third district in Traverse Town?

Go to the second district. The door should be right next to you. Now go straight and take the first right. There should be a door that leads to the third district.

Where is the leader of the Heartless in Traverse Town?

First, go to the Accessory Shop, run by Cid. Then, head up behind the shop into District 2, where the Heartless are on the prowl.

How do you trigger a gigas shadow?

To get them to appear, you must defeat three waves of regular Shadows, which will appear around the table in the middle of the room. Note that if any other Heartless appear when you enter this room, the Gigant Shadows will not appear. Leave and try again.

Who is Leon in Kingdom Hearts?

Squall Leonhart is a supporting character in the Kingdom Hearts series and leader of both the Heartless Resistance and the Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee. After the destruction of his world by the Heartless, he changed his name to “Leon” in an attempt to amend for his mistakes.

How do you get the keyhole in Traverse Town?

After talking to Cid and company in the Small House, head to the Second District and the Gizmo Shop. Go in the entrance by the Hotel and out the other end, where there’s a ladder to the top of the roof. Pulling the bellrope turns the mural behind the fountain — do that three times to reveal the Traverse Town Keyhole.

What do you get for beating Leon?

After beating Leon, you will be able to catch Zacian (if you’re playing Sword version) or Zamazenta (if you’re playing Shield version). While on the way to catch them, you will get rare League Cards of the gym leaders.

Where is the Heartless invade in Kingdom Hearts?

The Heartless invade, and it’s time for a climactic fight. Go to the District 3, which is accessible via a door in one of the alleys connected to District 2’s main square. Sora meets Donald and Goofy there, and it’s time for the final boss battle.

What does Traverse Town look like in Kingdom Hearts?

A quaint and calm town, Traverse Town features a sky of eternal night, where stars can be seen clearly. Survivors of the worlds lost to the Heartless find their way here after their world has been destroyed. Traverse Town is also the first world introduced to reside in the Realm Between .

Where to find mythril Shard in Traverse Town?

Cross the narrow path and jump to the large building across the gap. Move towards the hole straight ahead and look left for a chest containing a Mythril Shard . Go through the hole to reach a balcony in the Third District. Check the corners here with R1 to lock onto and examine a Postcard that can be mailed for an Elixir .

Where to find Trinity jump in Kingdom Hearts?

Jump down and go behind the “Lady and the Tramp” statues to find Trinity Jump #3 which gives a Camping Set and lots of Munny. Lastly, head to the door with a flame on it and cast Fire to reach the Mystical House. Jump across the stones and enter the Empty House via the hole in the left side.