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How do you introduce a family member in Spanish?

How do you introduce a family member in Spanish?

The easiest way to describe things and even family members in Spanish is by using the irregular verb SER. Basically, SER can be used as ES for one person, e.g. “Mi papá es…” (My dad is…) and SON for several relatives as in “Mis tíos son…” (My uncles are…).

Is Bienvenido Spanish?

Wiktionary. bienvenido. interjection. greeting given upon someone’s arrival. welcome; → bienvenido; bienvenida; bienvenidos; adjective.

How do you say your welcome in cool?

10 Ways to Say “You’re Welcome”

  1. You got it.
  2. Don’t mention it.
  3. No worries.
  4. Not a problem.
  5. My pleasure.
  6. It was nothing.
  7. I’m happy to help.
  8. Not at all.

What are the verbs to talk about your family in Spanish?

The three most crucial verbs to know at the beginning are tener, ser, and estar. While talking about your family with Spanish speakers, you’ll hear endless other verbs, but you can start mastering these three.

What’s the best way to greet someone in Spanish?

“Good mornings ” is a formal option to greet people in Spanish. This Spanish greeting is used with people older than you as well as strangers. For example, say this when you walk into a restaurant for breakfast. Buenos días ends at 12pm so don’t forget to switch over to buenas tardes in the afternoon.

What are some good words to say in Spanish?

Here are some simple Spanish phrases to help you. Estamos con ustedes. We are with you. Mis condolencias para la familia. My condolences for the family. Mi más sentido pésame. My deepest condolences. Lo siento. I´m sorry. Que encuentren pronta resignación. I hope you recover promptly from your grief.

How to say Congratulations in Spanish in English?

Congratulations on your graduation! ¡Buen trabajo! Good job! ¡Felicidades por tus buenas calificaciones! Congratulations on your good grades! ¡Felicidades por tu maestría! Congratulations on getting your Master´s degree! ¡Felicidades por entrar a la universidad! Well done on getting into University! ¡Felicidades por pasar el examen!