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How do you say basic words in Dutch?

How do you say basic words in Dutch?

To download the Dutch mp3s, please purchase Dutch Language Tutorial….Basic Dutch Phrases.

Good Morning Goedemorgen khoo-duh-mawr-ghuh
Good Evening Goedenavond khoo-duh-nah-fohnt
Good Night Goedenacht khoo-duh-nahkht
Hi / Bye Hoi / Hallo / Daag / Doei hoy / hah-loh / dahk / doo-ee
Goodbye Tot ziens toht zeens

How do you say cheers in Amsterdam?

In Belgium’s neighboring country, the Netherlands (Amsterdam, Rotterdam & The Hague) the cheers for a toast is ‘Proost’. Most of the time this is accompanied by eye contact and the clinking of glasses, usually only with beer and soft drinks.

What does S mean in Dutch?

‘s Gravenhage. (des Gravenhage*) The Hague. (*) des is an old-fashioned Dutch form of “of the”, which we do not use anymore. We still use it in some common expressions, but mostly in abbreviated form with an apostrophe.

What is sorry in Dutch?

het spijt me
Sorry, het spijt me*.

How do you say how are you in Dutch?

how are you. Dutch Translation. hoe gaat het met je. More Dutch words for how are you. alles goed met je. how are you. hoe gaat het ermee.

What’s the correct way to say hello in Dutch?

There are several ways to say ‘hello’ in Dutch. The greeting you use depends on the time of the day and on how well you know the person. Leuk je te ontmoeten. Have a question?

When to say hoe gaat het met je?

“Gaat ie?” is very informal, but some circles use it. Often after a small accident, when you want to make sure the other person is OK. “Hoe gaat het met je”. Or perhaps “hoe gaat het met U”. The first is more informal, the second is perfect for business settings for instance. Most of the time we say: Hoe gaat het?

What do you say when you hate someone in Dutch?

Easy answer: to hate -> haten. BUT in Dutch this is only used for a person or a group of persons. If you hate a particular chore, the normal expression is “een hekel hebben aan”. I hate doing the dishes -> Ik heb een hekel aan afwassen.