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How do you say numbers in Maltese?

How do you say numbers in Maltese?

Maltese numbering rules Maltese digits from zero to nine are rendered by specific words, namely żero [0], wieħed/waħda (m/f) [1], tnejn [2], tlieta [3], erbgħa [4], ħamsa [5], sitta [6], sebgħa [7], tmienja [8], and disgħa [9].

How do you say one in Maltese?

How to count in Maltese (Malti), a Central Semitic language spoken in Malta and Gozo….Numbers in Maltese (numri)

Numeral Cardinal Ordinal
1 wieħed (m) waħda (f) l-ewwel
2 tnejn it-tieni
3 tlieta it-tielet
4 erbgħa ir-raba’

How do you say hi in Malta?

The bi-lingual Maltese people will be more than happy to speak to you in English….Speak Like a Local: Some Handy Maltese Phrases.

Maltese Phrase Phonetic Pronunciation English Meaning
Ħello Hello Hello
Bonġu Bon-ju Good morning
Kif int? Kiff int How are you?

How many letters are in the Maltese alphabet?

30 letters
It is used to write the Maltese language, which evolved from the otherwise extinct Siculo-Arabic dialect, as a result of 800 years independent development. It contains 30 letters: 24 consonants and 6 vowels (a, e, i, o, u, ie).

What does Mella mean in Maltese?

At #1 we have Malta’s favourite word: “Mela!” You will hear this one as soon as you encounter any Maltese person speaking. And it will be the word you’ll hear most throughout your stay. This word has a range of meanings: “Of course!”, “Okay!”, “Alright!”, “Certainly!”, “So”, “Then” or even the filler “Umm”.

What does Sahha mean in Maltese?


Maltese English
assigurazzjoni tas-sahha health insurance

What alphabet does Malta use?

Latin alphabet
The Maltese alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet with the addition of some letters with diacritic marks and digraphs. It is used to write the Maltese language, which evolved from the otherwise extinct Siculo-Arabic dialect, as a result of 800 years independent development.

What language is spoken on Malta?

Maltese Sign LanguageEnglish
Malta/Official languages

Is Malta Arabic?

Maltese developed from a dialect of Arabic and is closely related to the western Arabic dialects of Algeria and Tunisia. Strongly influenced by the Sicilian language (spoken in Sicily), Maltese is the only form of Arabic to be written in the Latin alphabet.