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How do you say the days of the week in Portuguese?

How do you say the days of the week in Portuguese?

so the days of the week in Portuguese are:

  1. Segunda-feira [say-goon-dah fay-ee-rah] – Monday.
  2. Terça-feira [tayr-sah fay-ee-rah] – Tuesday.
  3. Quarta-feira [kwar-tah fay-ee-rah] – Wednesday.
  4. Quinta-feira [keen-tah fay-ee-rah] – Thursday.
  5. Sexta-feira [say-eesh-tah fay-ee-rah] – Friday.
  6. Sábado [sah-bah-doo] – Saturday.

How do you say Monday in Brazil?

The days of the week in Portuguese are a combination of ordinal numbers and feira for Monday through Friday….Learn how to say the days of the week in Portuguese.

Monday segunda-feira
Wednesday quarta-feira
Thursday quinta-feira
Friday sexta-feira
Saturday sábado

What day is Sexta-Feira?

As Feiras (The Work Week)

English Ancient Portuguese Modern Portuguese
Tuesday Martes Terça-feira
Wednesday Mércores Quarta-feira
Thursday Joves Quinta-feira
Friday Vernes Sexta-feira

Which day of the week is Dom?

The days of the week in Spanish

English Spanish
Thursday jueves
Friday viernes
Saturday sábado
Sunday domingo

What language is SEG?

Similar to English, the days of the week in Portuguese can also be abbreviated. You can shorten all of them to their first three letters to get: Dom. Seg.

Why is it Segunda Feira?

From Old Portuguese segunda feira (“Monday”), from Ecclesiastical Latin secunda feria (literally “second weekday”).

What is Thursday in Brazil?

Thursday. quinta-feira (also just quinta or qui. is used as well as the abbreviation 5ª)

What is the first day of the week in Portugal?

The first day of the week, Monday in Portuguese is written as Segunda-Feira, and it is pronounced as “say-goon-dah fay-ee-rah.” The second day of the week, Tuesday in Portuguese is written as Terça-Feira, and it is pronounced as “tayr-sah fay-ee-rah.” The third day of the week, Wednesday in Portuguese is written as …

What language is Lun for Monday?

The days of the week in French

English French Pronounced
Monday lundi lun-dee
Tuesday mardi mar dee
Wednesday mercredi mare creu dee
Thursday jeudi zheu dee

Where do the Portuguese days of the week come from?

The origin of the names of the days of the week in Portuguese

Day in Portuguese Origin
domingo Sunday Latin: dies Dominicus (day of the Lord)
segunda-feira Monday Latin: feria secunda
terça-feira Tuesday Latin: feria tertia
quarta-feira Wednesday Latin: feria quarta

What are the months in Portuguese?

Click here!

  • janeiro. January.
  • fevereiro. February.
  • março. March.
  • abril. April.
  • maio. May.
  • junho. June.
  • julho. July.
  • agosto. August.