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How do you sing happy birthday in different languages?

How do you sing happy birthday in different languages?

How To Say ‘Happy Birthday! ‘ In 13 Languages

  1. Spanish — ¡Feliz cumpleaños!
  2. French — Bon anniversaire !
  3. German — Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
  4. Italian — Buon compleanno!
  5. Portuguese — Feliz aniversário!
  6. Swedish — Grattis på födelsedagen!
  7. Russian — С Днём рождения!
  8. Indonesian — Selamat ulang tahun!

How do u sing happy birthday in Dutch?

En daarom zingen wij blij: Hij/zij leve lang hoera-hoera, Hij/zij leve la-ang hoera.

How do you say Happy Christmas in Flemish?

In Belgium Dutch/Flemish Happy/Merry Christmas is ‘Vrolijk Kerstfeest’, French it’s ‘Joyeux Noël’, in German it’s ‘Frohe Weihnachten’ and in the Walloon language (spoken by some people in the Walloon Region) it’s ‘djoyeus Noyé’.

How do Japanese say happy birthday?

Otanjoubi Omedetou
Different ways to express Happy Birthday in Japanese. “Birthday” is “tanjoubi” (たんじょうび、誕生日) or “otanjobi” (おたんじょうび、お誕生日) in Japanese. So we simply say “お誕生日おめでとう!”(Otanjoubi Omedetou) to say Happy Birthday.

How do I send a happy birthday song?

Through ecards or services that allow you to send a happy birthday song via text….Here are the best free birthday gram apps or websites with free trial options to wish someone a happy birthday.

  2. 123Cards.
  3. Smilebox.
  4. American Greetings Ecards.
  5. Open Me.
  6. Greetings Island.

Can you sing happy birthday in public?

Movie producers and restaurant owners need to obtain a license to broadcast or publicly perform the “Happy Birthday to You” song. You are safe if you sing this song in your home, or even at your office, since neither setting would constitute a “public performance” for copyright purposes.

Do you say Happy Birthday in German?

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag
In almost all circumstance, a simple Happy Birthday (Alles Gute zum Geburtstag) works, but if you want to be extra fancy, you can try: Ganz herzliche Glückwünsche zum Geburtstag (All good wishes on your birthday)

Do you say Happy Birthday in French?

joyeux anniversaire
The most traditional way of saying “happy birthday” in French is “joyeux anniversaire“.

What does Belgium call Santa?

Sinterklaas – Saint Nicholas Day Celebration in Belgium and the Netherlands. Sinterklaas is an old tradition dating back to the 3rd century. In fact, the name Santa Claus comes from the name Sinterklaas. Sinterklaas is an elderly man with white hair and a long beard.

What do they call Santa in Belgium?

In Belgium, there are actually two Santa Claus figures. For the Dutch-speaking community, there’s Sinterklaas, or St. Nicholas, and for the French-speaking community, there’s Pere Noel, or Santa Claus.

Do you know the Happy Birthday Song in Belgium?

The Belgians also sing the English “Happy Birthday” song but changed the lyrics, which I find amusing since they kept the original first line to the song. Birthday cakes are a bit different here in Belgium.

What do you call the person having a birthday in Belgium?

In the US, we have an uninspired title for the person who is having a birthday; they are the “Birthday Boy/Girl.” In Belgium, they are called the “Feestvaarkje.” Literally translated “Feestvaarkje” means “Party Pig” and it’s used to refer to the person of honor at party.

What’s the name of the Dutch song for a birthday?

There are actually two typical birthday songs and they 1) the traditional Dutch birthday song “Lang Zal Ze Leven” 2) the traditional English tune “Happy Birthday” song but with a twist. The words to the chorus of Lang Zal Ze Leven are as follows, and usually only the chorus is sung to the birthday boy or girl.