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How do you use purposefully?

How do you use purposefully?

1. She strode purposefully up to the door and knocked loudly. 2. She strode purposefully up to the desk and demanded to speak to the manager.

What’s another word for purposefully?

What is another word for purposefully?

deliberately intentionally
knowingly wittingly
consciously purposely
designedly purposively
willfully advisedly

What is the of the word purposefully mean?

Purposely is used to describe an action done intentionally, deliberately, or for a specific reason. The word purposefully means in a determined way or in a way that’s full of purpose. It should not be used to mean intentionally or deliberately.

What does it mean to act purposefully?

Something purposeful is done on purpose: it’s meant to achieve an aim. Lots of things happen accidentally or randomly, but other things have a purpose. Such things can be called purposeful. Going to college, starting a family, giving to a charity, and adopting a dog are all purposeful acts.

Is it purposely or purposefully?

When you use purposely in a sentence, it should be synonymous with intentionally and on purpose. When you use purposefully in a sentence, it should mean “in a way that shows determination and resolve” or, put more simply, “full of purpose.” The opposite of purposefully would be close to negligently or carelessly.

What is it called when someone does something on purpose?

deliberately; on purpose; intentionally; deliberate; intended; conscious; premeditated; wilfully; with intent; willfully; purposely; designedly; by choice; by design; advisedly. intentionally; on purpose.

What is opposite of purposefully?

Opposite of in an intentional or conscious manner. inadvertently. unconsciously. unintentionally.

What is it called when you do something purposely?

adverb. with a definite intention, not by chance or by accident.

Is there a difference between purposely and intentionally?

As adverbs the difference between intentionally and purposely. is that intentionally is in an intentional manner, on purpose while purposely is on purpose; intentionally.

What does purposefully mean in these sentences?

When you use purposefully in a sentence, it should mean “in a way that shows determination and resolve” or, put more simply, “full of purpose.” The opposite of purposefully would be close to negligently or carelessly.

What is the difference between purposely and purposefully?

Purposely means “on purpose” or “not by accident,” while purposefully means “indicating the existence of a purpose.” Although very similar, in context “purposefully” is usually used to indicate a greater level of intent or deliberate aim, as opposed to “purposely.”