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How do you use rapscallion in a sentence?

How do you use rapscallion in a sentence?

Rapscallion in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The young, Irish rapscallion spent most of his first days in New York looking for something to get into.
  2. Finishing off his stint as a train robber, the rapscallion insisted he was done with his days of bad behavior.

What is another word for rapscallion?

What is another word for rapscallion?

villain rogue
devil scamp
caitiff hellion
rascal savage
scallywag varlet

What does rapscallion mean in Old English?

Rapscallion is an old fashioned word for “scamp” or “scoundrel.” It’s most often used in a lighthearted way: “Some rapscallion seems to have replaced the cream in my Oreo with toothpaste — then again, it is April Fools Day!” Rapscallion, first used in the 1600s, was originally rascallion, a fancier version of rascal.

What is a wrapped scallion?

Side Dish. Crispy trimmed scallions, individually coated with softened cream encircling the bulbs. Then encased with freshly sliced deli meat.

Is Rascal short for rapscallion?

a rascal; rogue; scamp.

What is a rapscallion crossword clue?

Answer: CROCK. Clue: Rapscallion. Answer: Scondrl. all Questions containing ‘Rapscallion’ Rapscallion.

What is the rapscallion?

: a person who causes trouble : rascal, ne’er-do-well If a little prince with a permissive nanny can get bumptious on occasion, a regal rapscallion without any nanny could fast become a royal pain. —

Where can you find rapscallion?

Rapscallion could be found during Chapter 2 Season 5 in Holly Hedges or in Lazy Lake as a character you could interact with.

What does Slubberdegullion mean?

: a dirty rascal : scoundrel, wretch.

What is a Scallywag dictionary?

scallywag. / (ˈskælɪˌwæɡ) / noun. informal a scamp; rascal. (after the US Civil War) a White Southerner who supported the Republican Party and its policy of Black emancipation.

What does Tatterdemalion mean?

1 : ragged or disreputable in appearance. 2 : being in a decayed state or condition : dilapidated.