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How do you write a character reaction?

How do you write a character reaction?

Give character reactions highs and lows. Allow characters to be moved, changed, by what happens to them, to those they love, and when they can’t control those events that happen around them. Show what’s important by turning the spotlight—the reader’s attention—to that which you want to highlight.

What is an internal character response?

Internal response is more about characters and their thoughts about those events that occur in the story. By describing the character’s inner thoughts and feelings, the author helps the reader understand why she does what she does.

How are the characters connected to the themes?

The characters hook you into the story and the plot provides a chance for the characters to develop and grow. When the story reaches its conclusion, the theme of the story has more impact because the reader has come to relate to the characters as they moved through the plot.

How do people react to their characters?

A character’s reactions can reveal facets of his personality that cannot be revealed by action or dialogue initiated by that character. The actions and words of others that draw a response from a character tell what bothers that character. Reactions reveal issues that mean something for a character.

What are the 4 types of characters?

One way to classify characters is by examining how they change (or don’t change) over the course of a story. Grouped in this way by character development, character types include the dynamic character, the round character, the static character, the stock character, and the symbolic character.

What does characters mean in a story?

In fiction, a character (sometimes known as a fictional character) is a person or other being in a narrative (such as a novel, play, television series, film, or video game). Character, particularly when enacted by an actor in the theatre or cinema, involves “the illusion of being a human person”.

What is an external character response?

A character’s internal responses refer to his or her feelings, desires, thoughts, and motivations. A character’s external responses refer to his or her actions and decisions.

What is an internal response?

coming from, produced, or motivated by the psyche or inner recesses of the mind; subjective: an internal response.