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How does a soldier stand at attention?
The position of at attention, or standing at attention, is a military posture which involves the following general postures: Standing upright with an assertive and correct posture: famously “chin up, chest out, shoulders back, stomach in”. No speech, facial or bodily movements except when as required by military drill.
When should a soldier salute?
During the ceremony of hoisting or lowering the flag or when the flag is passing in a parade or in review, all persons present in uniform should render the military salute. Members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute.
When should you stand at attention?
When talking to an officer of superior rank, stand at attention until ordered otherwise. When an officer of superior rank enters a room, the first Soldier to recognize the officer calls personnel in the room to “attention” but does not salute. A salute indoors is rendered only when reporting.
Which leg moves in attention?
Which leg should be used to go back to the attention position after stand at ease? The left leg should be used to go back to the attention position after stand at ease.
How do you call your room to army attention?
When an officer of superior rank enters a room, the first Soldier to recognize the officer calls personnel in the room to “attention” but does not salute. A salute indoors is rendered only when reporting. When you are dismissed, or when the officer departs, come to attention and salute.
Why do soldiers click their heels?
2That brings the heels of one’s boots or shoes quickly together while in a formal standing posture, so as to produce a sharp clicking noise, as a gesture of military discipline, obedience, or respect; characterized by such a clicking of heels; (in extended use) characterized by military discipline, obedience, or …
Can you go from attention to at ease?
All marching movements executed from the halt begin from the position of attention. All marching movements, except for route step, march, and at ease, can be executed from the halt. All steps except right step begin with the left foot.