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How does Cloudtail die warriors?
Cloudtail snarls back that he always believed in the warrior code. The two fight and Cloudtail is badly injured, falling unconscious before Darkstripe is ordered to move on by another Dark Forest cat, to leave them to bleed to death.
Is Cloudtail dead?
Cloudtail later retired to the elders’ den alongside Brackenfur and Brightheart.
Does Cloudtail go to StarClan?
There are quite a few Loners that didn’t once express belief in StarClan, yet were seen there by living cats. IMO Cloudtail and Mothwing will probably both go to StarClan.
What book does Hollyleaf die in?
In the battle against the Dark Forest, Hollyleaf saves Ivypool from Hawkfrost, but is gravely injured by the Dark Forest tom. Distraught, Ivypool, with the help of Tigerheart, carry her back to camp, where Hollyleaf and Leafpool make amends before Hollyleaf dies.
Who is the leader of StarClan?
There is no specific leader for StarClan since there are many cats from all five Clans that work together. They are responsible for sending signs and omens to the living cats.
How did Brightheart and Cloudtail die by Evil Firestar?
Firestar ducked and spat as Cloudtail lunged at his chest. Firestar jumped in the air and thrashed, throwing Cloudtail off. They both landed on their feet. Firestar creeped up on Brightheart’s blind side and attacked her skin made of only muscle Firestar tore off the muscle and there was bone and blood comeing from it.
Where did Brightheart go after her mother died?
Brightheart briefly mentored Jayfeather before he decided to train as a medicine cat and later fostered Lilyheart and Seedpaw after their mother was killed in battle. Many moons later, she retired to the elders’ den with Cloudtail and Brackenfur. Looking for a longer overview? Find one here!
Who was accused of kidnapping Brightheart and Thornpaw?
Yellowfang is accused of their kidnapping, and Firepaw, Graypaw, and Whitestorm rescue them. She is later apprenticed to Whitestorm. When Bluestar postpones Brightpaw, Swiftpaw, and Thornpaw’s warrior ceremonies, Swiftpaw approaches Brightpaw with a plan to earn their warrior names by finding out what was eating prey at Snakerocks.
Who is Brightheart the ThunderClan elder in RuneScape?
Brightheart is a ThunderClan elder under Bramblestar’s, the impostor’s, Squirrelflight’s, Lionblaze’s, and Graystripe’s leadership in the lake territories and previously served as a warrior under Firestar and Bramblestar in the forest and the lake territories.