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How does God know when we are going to die?

How does God know when we are going to die?

Why? Because God is omniscient, i.e. “all knowing,” and we are not. So for God the answer is that he DOES indeed “know” precisely the day, hour and minute that each of us will die. And there is nothing that we can do to change or alter the time and circumstances that God “knows” concerning our death.

What God says about dying?

Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. ‘ ” “He heals the brokenhearted, and binds up their wounds.” “For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not perish but have eternal life.”

Who knows when we will die?

The Bible says in Job 14:5 — “God has decided the length of our lives. He alone knows how many months we will live, and we are not given a minute longer.” This verse clarifies the certainty of our physical death.

Does the Bible say that God knows when we will die?

The Bible says in Job 14:5 — “God has decided the length of our lives. Only God knows when and how we will die. The best way we can prepare for death is understand the certainty of this scripture.

What does it mean to die before your time?

: to die at a younger age than one should Mozart died before his time.

Is it true that God knows the time of death?

He knows the time of our death, and He has even appointed it. The Bible says, “Man’s days are determined; you (God) have decreed the number of his months and have set limits he cannot exceed” (Job 14:5).

Do you think God has any control over when we die?

Do we have zero control over the day and time when we will die? Well, yes and no, depending on how you look at it. From God’s point of view, the answer is “yes” because He’s omniscient, meaning He knows exactly when, where, and how anything will go down—including how we leave this earth.

What does the Bible say about the time of death?

The question is, has He appointed the time of our death? The Bible tells us that God has numbered our days (Psalms 39:4-5; Psalms 102:23-24). Likewise, we do not know when the time that God has appointed for us to die will arrive, but there is a season that he has determined for it.

Why does God have an appointed time of death?

In addition to us being appointed to die, God also has appointed that many of us will die in specific ways for specific reasons as He did with the Apostles, “For I think that God hath set forth us the apostles last, as it were appointed to death: for we are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men” (1 Corinthians 4:9).