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How does work/life balance affect employee performance?

How does work/life balance affect employee performance?

lead to improve the employee performance by eliminating the work-life conflict. Thus, work life balance leads to improve the job performance by improving the employee loyalty, satisfaction, commitment, organizational citizenship behavior and productivity as well as reducing employee turnover and absenteeism.

What affects employee productivity?

There are several things that can affect productivity, such as engagement, good people management practices, workplace environment, appropriate tools, use of technology as an advantage, etc.

What are the factors affecting work/life balance?

Factors Affecting Work-Life Balance

  • Positive Personal Factors. Studies show that those who have regular schedules, healthy habits, hobbies, as well as high self-confidence and ambition are likely to have better work-life balance.
  • Positive Organisational Factors.
  • Positive Social Factors.

What are the benefits of work-life balance?

How Work-Life Balance Can Benefit Your Organization

  • Increased productivity.
  • Lower absenteeism.
  • A happier, less stressed workforce.
  • Improvements in employee health and well-being.
  • A more positive perception of you as an employer.
  • Greater employee loyalty, commitment and motivation.

How do you help employees with work/life balance?

12 ways to support a better work-life balance for your employees

  1. Offer flexible and remote working.
  2. Encourage managers to focus on productivity rather than hours.
  3. Encourage breaks.
  4. Regularly review workloads.
  5. Lead by example.
  6. Give employees time to volunteer.
  7. Reconsider time off.
  8. Increase support for parents.

What is work/life balance in the workplace?

Work-life balance is a concept that describes the ideal situation in which an employee can split his or her time and energy between work and other important aspects of their life. Achieving work-life balance is a daily challenge. Work-life balance reduces the stress employees experience.

What factors affect productivity?

8 Factors Affecting Productivity in an Organization

  • Man Power: Selection i.e. selection of right man for a specific job Applying well known saying division of labour.
  • Equipment and Machines:
  • Input Materials:
  • Time:
  • Floor Area or Space:
  • Power or Energy:
  • Finance:
  • Movement of Man and Materials:

How is quality of work life related to productivity?

Therefore, efforts to improve employee quality of life and maintain a good organizational environment are vital to the organization, since such initiatives increase the level of team satisfaction and decrease turnover, in addition to raising overall productivity.

What does work/life balance mean to the employee and employer?

As an employer, you can lead your employees by example. Make sure that as a leader, you also apply a healthy balance between work and social life. This way, you can inspire people to follow your steps. Make sure that you take your breaks and leave the office on time.

What is employee work/life balance?

Work-life balance is an aspect of employee well-being related to the employee’s ability to manage both personal and professional responsibilities with adequate time for rest and leisure.

What’s the impact of work-life balance on productivity?

Work-Life Balance is increasing interest in academic literature, legislation and public sector. It is meaningful daily achievement and enjoyment in life. Organizations have started introducing various schemes to attract, retain employees and productivity. Majority employers support the work –life balance concept.

What does it mean to have a work-life balance?

Work-life balance which primarily deals with an employee’s ability to properly prioritize between work and his or her lifestyle, social life, health, family etc., is greatly linked with employee productivity, performance and job satisfaction.

Why is it important to have work-family balance?

The importance of work-family balance, whether implicit or explicit, to the organisations and employees cannot be ignored. This is because when employees struggle to balance their work and family lives, their families and work will be negatively affected Gryzwacz and Carlson, (2007).

Why are work life benefits important to employers?

Clearly, many organizations regard work-life benefits (as a subset of all benefits) as an investment designed, among other things, to attract and retain talent. Such benefits recognize the growing demands on the lives of people, particularly at times when jobs are being expanded to achieve higher productivity—to do more with less.