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How had Leslie changed Jess?

How had Leslie changed Jess?

In Bridge to Terabithia, it’s both. Through their friendship, both Jess and Leslie are changed for the better. In teaching Leslie compassion, Jess strengthens his own capability for it, and in leading Jess into Terabithia, Leslie expands the boundaries of that realm for herself.

Why do Jess and Leslie become friends?

The reason that Jess and Leslie’s friendship is so magical is because it allows them to rejoice in childhood and to escape the rest of the pressures that bear down on them so heavily in the rest of their lives. Jess, in particular, leads a life full of everyday hardship and dissatisfaction.

How old was Leslie in Bridge to Terabithia?

Plot summary 10-year-old Jess Aarons (Julian Coutts) is an aspiring yet shy fifth grader living in a financially struggling family. 10-year-old Leslie Burke (Julie Beaulieu) is the new girl at his school, just arriving on its athletics day.

Is Leslie Poor Bridge to Terabithia?

Unlike Jesse, Leslie is an only child. Her parents do not struggle financially as Jesse’s do. Leslie has both the time and means to pursue her hobbies, which include reading and scuba diving. Her parents are supportive of her interests and enjoy her company.

What do Jesse and Leslie have in common?

A second thing that the children share in common is the respite that they experience when they are in Terabithia. For Leslie, it is a place where she is not seen as the new girl with the strange dress sense, and for Jesse, it is an escape from his difficult family life.

How does Terabithia relate to Jess and Leslie’s lives?

Terabithia is a manifestation of these qualities and an outlet for her vivid imagination. Terabithia is also an opportunity for Leslie to create something of her own in her new home after moving away from her former school, friends and life in the suburbs. Jess and Leslie have very different family lives.

How are the Burkes and Aarons related to Jesse and Leslie?

Both the Aarons and the Burkes contribute to Jesse and Leslie’s creation of Terabithia in different ways. For Jesse, Terabithia serves as a form of escape from his difficult and unhappy life. He works very hard, has many responsibilities, is mistreated by his parents, and has very little time for fun or leisure activities.

Why are Jesse and Lesley both outcasts at school?

Jesse and Lesley are both outcasts at school—Jesse because he is an artist, which is seen as a feminine pursuit, and Lesley because she is the new girl who dresses strangely and outran all the boys in their race on her first day at Lark Creek Elementary. The boys’ jealousy… Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this answer and thousands more.