How is secondary succession different from primary succession quizlet?
What is the difference between primary and secondary succession? Primary succession is a process by which a community arises in a virtually lifeless area with no soil. Secondary succession follows a disturbance that destroys a community without destroying the soil.
What are the three differences between primary and secondary succession?
Primary succession occurs in an area without any initial vegetation. Secondary succession occurs in an area with initial vegetation. Primary succession is initiated either due to a biological factor or an external agent. An external factor initiates secondary succession.
What happens differently in secondary succession?
Secondary succession is usually faster than primary succession because soil and nutrients are already present due to ‘normalization’ by previous pioneer species, and because roots, seeds and other biotic organisms may still be present within the substrate.
What is one difference between primary and secondary succession primary succession is rapid and secondary succession is slow?
Primary succession is rapid and secondary succession is slow. Secondary succession begins with lichens and primary succession begins with trees. Secondary succession begins on soil and primary succession begins on newly exposed surfaces.
Why is secondary succession faster than primary succession?
Secondary succession is a faster process than primary succession because some cones or seeds likely remain after the disturbance.
What are the similarities between primary and secondary succession?
The similarity is that both types of succession proceed through stages (seres) toward a climax community. The difference is that primary succession begins in a new environment, like bare rock; secondary succession begins in an area from which a pre-existing community has been removed, such as a burned-out forest.
What is the difference between primary and secondary succession?
The basic difference between primary and secondary succession is the presence of soil. When primary succession begins, soil is not present; in the case of secondary succession, soil is already in place.
What are facts about secondary succession?
Secondary succession Secondary succession follows a major disturbance, such as a fire or a flood . The stages of secondary succession are similar to those of primary succession; however, primary succession always begins on a barren surface, whereas secondary succession begins in environments that already possess soil.
What causes secondary succession to occur?
Secondary Succession. Secondary succession occurs after disturbances that are not intense enough to kill all plants, so that regeneration can occur by re-sprouting and growth of surviving individuals, and by the germination of pre-existing seeds to establish new plants.