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How long can the government keep things classified?

How long can the government keep things classified?

Per EO 13526 section 1.5(d), no information may remain classified indefinitely. Information that would clearly and demonstrably be expected to reveal the identity of a confidential human source or a human intelligence source, is designated “50X1-HUM” with a classification duration of up to 75 years.

When should information be declassified?

Information appraised as having permanent historical value is automatically declassified once it reaches 25 years of age unless an agency head has determined that it falls within a narrow exemption that permits continued classification and it has been appropriately approved.

What is your responsibility if the classifying agency does not provide a full response within 120 days?

What is your responsibility if the classifying agency does not provide a full response within 120 days? Forward the challenge to the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP). Generating is taking information from an existing classified document and stating it verbatim in a new or different document.

What is not a valid reason to classify information?

The only lawful reason to classify information is to protect national security. All of the following are steps in derivative classification EXCEPT: Making the initial determination that information requires protection against unauthorized disclosure in the interest of national security.

How long does information stay classified?

The originating agency assigns a declassification date, by default 10 years. After 25 years, declassification review is automatic with nine narrow exceptions that allow information to remain as classified. At 50 years, there are two exceptions, and classifications beyond 75 years require special permission.

How can classified information be destroyed?

Classified waste disposal requires destroying government documents to prevent release of their contents. The three primary methods used by the Federal Government to destroy classified documents are incineration, shredding or milling (dry process), and pulping (wet process).

Why is information classified?

The purpose of classification is to protect information. Higher classifications protect information that might endanger national security. Classification formalises what constitutes a “state secret” and accords different levels of protection based on the expected damage the information might cause in the wrong hands.

Which of the following reasons is a valid reason to classify information?

Which of the following is a valid reason to classify information? Information may be classified if it is owned by the U.S. Government, its unauthorized disclosure could damage national security, and it concerns military plans, weapon systems, or operations.

What is the importance of a derivative classification?

Like original classification, derivative classification has far-reaching effects on the Department of Defense and industry. Classifying information helps protect our national security. It limits access to only those individuals with the appropriate clearance level and a legitimate need to know the information.

How is classified information protected?

Information protected by the Atomic Energy Act is protected by law and information classified under the Executive Order is protected by Executive privilege. The U.S. government insists it is “not appropriate” for a court to question whether any document is legally classified.

When destroying or disposing of classified information you must?

What level of classified information could cause damage?

Secret classification level
The Secret classification level “shall be applied to information, the unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause serious damage to the national security.”

What happens to classified information after it is no longer classified?

Information should remain permanently classified once it is classified, even if it no longer meets the criteria for classification.

What are the criteria for classified information in the US?

To be classified or maintained as classified, information must meet all of the following criteria EXCEPT: The unauthorized disclosure of the information could cause embarrassment to the U.S. Government Information should remain permanently classified once it is classified, even if it no longer meets the criteria for classification.

Why is information prohibited from being classified by the government?

Information is prohibited from being classified to conceal violations of law, inefficiency or administrative error, to prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency, to restrain competition, or to prevent or delay the release of information that does not require protection in the interests of national security. True

How are compilation pieces of unclassified information classified?

Compilation Pieces of information that are unclassified on their own, but together, they are classified Three criteria information must be met in order to be classified: owned by, produced by or for, or be under the control of the U.S. Government