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How many calories are in a piece of toast with butter and peanut butter?

How many calories are in a piece of toast with butter and peanut butter?

Region: US

Serving Ingredient Calories
1.5 tbsp peanut butter 142
1.5 oz toast 113

How many calories are in 1 piece of peanut butter toast?

Region: US

Serving Ingredient Calories
1.5 oz toast 113
1.5 tbsp peanut butter 142

How many calories is 2 pieces of toast with peanut butter?

In total, peanut butter toast (two slices of whole-wheat bread and two tablespoons of peanut butter) has 342 calories. You can decrease that calorie count by eating just one slice of bread and/or only 1 tablespoon of peanut butter instead of the full serving.

Is peanut butter toast good for weight loss?

Peanut butter is a good source of protein that can promote the feeling of fullness and result in fat loss. It may also reduce your appetite and help you consume limited calories. This will help you lose weight. You may also experience better metabolism with the consumption of peanut butter.

How many calories are in 2 pieces of toast with butter and jam?

Region: US

Serving Ingredient Calories
42 g bread 112
2 tsp butter 68
2 tsp jam 37

How many calories is 3 pieces of toast with peanut butter?

Peanut butter on toast: 205 calories.

How many calories should I eat for weight loss?

Generally, it is recommended that the average woman consumes about 1,500 calories per day to lose one pound of weight per week, and 2,000 calories per day to maintain weight. The average man trying to lose one pound of weight per week needs to eat about 2,000 calories per day, and 2,500 calories to maintain weight.

How many calories is one slice of bread with peanut butter?

Does peanut butter and bread make you gain weight?

Not linked to weight gain if eaten in moderation Weight gain occurs when you take in more calories than you burn. Thus, peanut butter is unlikely to lead to weight gain if eaten in moderation — in other words, if you consume it as part of your daily calorie needs.

Will peanut butter make you fat?

How many calories is there in a slice of toast without butter?

Traditional French Toast, without butter or syrup Shari’s 1 slice 263.0 calories 20.0 grams carbs 17.7 grams fat 6.3 grams protein 0 grams fiber 107.0 mg cholesterol 3.3 grams saturated fat 217.0 mg sodium 2.7 grams sugar 0 grams trans fat

How many calories in one piece of Texas toast with butter?

There are 90 calories in a 1 slice serving of Butter Krust Texas Toast. Calorie breakdown: 10% fat, 76% carbs, 13% protein.

What are the nutritional facts of peanut butter?

Peanut butter Nutrition Facts. 100 grams of Peanut butter contain 17.69 grams of carbohydrates, 5.7 grams of fiber, 26.06 grams of protein, 366 milligrams of sodium, and 1.48 grams of water.

What is the nutritional value of peanut butter?

Peanut butter is a fairly balanced energy source that supplies all of the three macronutrients. A 100g portion of peanut butter contains (4): Carbohydrate: 20 grams of carbs (13% of calories), 6 of which are fiber. Protein: 25 grams of protein (15% of calories), which is quite a lot compared to most other plant foods.