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How many hours a day do you work in the Marines?

How many hours a day do you work in the Marines?

Eight hours a day unless on deployment.

Do Marines work every day?

Yes, even seven days a week. Time off is a privilege not a right. Marines should expect to and are trained to work long hours in harsh conditions, with little rest and under stress. That is a major part of what boot camp conditions Marines for.

How often do Marines get days off?

30 days
You receive 30 days of leave time every year. You have to run a leave request form indicating what you’re going to be during your vacation up the chain of command. If it is approved, you’re good to go on vacation when you planned.

Do Marines get days off?

Everyone in the military earns 2.5 days of leave (vacation time) for every month of active duty service. The Marine Corps grants 10 days of leave immediately following basic training graduation, prior to reporting to the School of Infantry. …

Do Marines get weekends off?

Yes Marines work on the weekends sometimes depending on your job. Marines are America’s 911 force, whenever we are needed we are there. We work 365 days of the year there always watching. No typically but as needed when required.

How many days do you work in the military?

Comparing Military Pay and Benefits to Civilian Jobs

Work hours Vary. Occasionally work weekends. You are on call 24 hours, 7 days a week.
Opportunities for advancement Excellent! You are challenged by your leaders and peers. The choice is yours if you would like to advance or not.

How long is Marine boot camp?

approximately 13 weeks
How Long Is Marine Basic Training? Marine Basic Training is approximately 13 weeks in four phases. Week One is preparation for the 12 weeks of training ahead. Recruits can expect a flurry of paperwork, haircuts, uniform and gear issue, medical evaluations and the initial strength test.

Do you get days off in Marine boot camp?

As of October 29th, 2021 all graduating Marines from Marins Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island and San Diego can take a 10 day leave before checking into their next school. After their ten days of leave, newly graduated Marines will attend the School of Infantry (SOI) where they will continue their military training.

Do Marines have free time?

The Marine Corps Recruit Training Regulation requires the DIs to give you one hour of uninterrupted, free time each evening, beginning on the first training day, while in garrison (i.e., not out in the field), Monday through Saturday, and four hours on Sundays and holidays while in garrison.

How much money will I have after Marine boot camp?

Many recruits graduate boot camp with more than $3,000. That’s a decent chunk of change. After you have four months in service, your pay rate will be $1,733 a month, or $20,796 a year. For an E-2 or Private First Class, pay is $1,943 a month, $22,316 a year.

How long do you have to eat at work in Wisconsin?

Wisconsin. By regulation, the recommended standard is ½ hour after 6 consecutive hours’ work in factories, mechanical and mercantile establishments and certain service industries, to be given reasonably close to usual meal time or near middle of shift.

How many hours a day do you work?

If you’re also wondering “how many hours am I working?” and you are on a 9AM to 5PM job, then the question is how many hours is 9 to 5. The answer is exactly eight hours. If you leave your kids early at school and pick them up in the afternoon, you might wonder how much time they spend in school each day.

What was the limit on how many hours an employee could work?

With the establishment of the FLSA in 1940, the federal government set a limit on how many hours per week (40) employers could ask their employees to work at regular pay. Above those 40 hours, employers were now required to provide their employees with extra compensation in the form of overtime.

How many hours do you have to work to get second meal period?

An employer may not employ an employee for a work period of more than 10 hours per day without providing the employee with a second meal period, except that if the total hours worked is no more than 12 hours, the second meal period may be waived if the first meal period was not waived.