How many hours is Syria from USA?
The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Syria and United States is 10,775 km= 6,695 miles. If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Syria to United States, It takes 11.96 hours to arrive.
How many hours is Israel from Syria?
Syria is located around 572 KM away from Israel so if you travel at the consistent speed of 50 KM per hour you can reach Israel in 14 hours and 47 minutes.
How many hours is Aleppo Syria to USA?
Flight time from Aleppo to New York is 13 hours 24 minutes.
How much does flight cost from Syria to USA?
Syria DCA Flight Information
Traveling to | Syria DCA |
Lowest Price | $77 |
Number of Airlines Serving | 5 |
Airlines Serving | United, JetBlue Airways, Frontier Airlines, Delta, American Airlines |
Number of Daily Flights | 5 |
How far apart are Egypt and Israel?
The shortest distance (air line) between Israel and Egypt is 422.58 mi (680.08 km). The shortest route between Israel and Egypt is 775.30 mi (1,247.73 km) according to the route planner. The driving time is approx. 15h 35min.
What airlines fly out of Syria?
Caspian Airlines, Cham Wings Airlines, FlyDamas, Iran Air, Iran Aseman Airlines, and Kish Air are listed as carriers that serve DAM.
What language do they speak in Syria?
Syria/Official languages
In Syria, you will discover five major languages: Arabic, Assyrian, Armenian, Kurdish and Syriac. The dialects in Syria contain Arabic, law essay Kurdish, Syriac, and Assyrian. They belong to the branch of Aramaic-Syriac, which was referred to as Thaqif, Melek, Akhtarsia, and Aleppo in Assyria.
What country is Syria next to?
Syria is bounded by Turkey to the north, by Iraq to the east and southeast, by Jordan to the south, and by Lebanon and Israel to the southwest.
How many hours is from USA to Israel?
Distance from Israel to United States is 10,882 kilometers. The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Israel and United States is 10,882 km= 6,762 miles. If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Israel to United States, It takes 12.07 hours to arrive.