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How many miles does the average 16 year old drive in a year?

How many miles does the average 16 year old drive in a year?

Between the ages of 16 and 19, males drive an average of 8,206 miles every year, while women drive only 6,873. Those numbers jump between the ages of 20 and 34, which is when most Americans get their first real jobs and start commuting. Now males drive an average of 17,976 miles annually, and women drive 12,004 miles.

How many miles do you typically drive in a month?

According to the US Department of Transportation (DOT), men on average drive 550 miles a month more than women. The most recent DOT statistics show men of all ages driving an average of 1,400 miles per month, and women driving an average of 850 miles per month.

How many miles does a teenager drive a year?

That said, US teens’ average car mileage per year is not very high. In fact, with 7,624 miles per year, American teenagers drive much less than other age groups.

How many miles does the average teen drive a week?

Teens with their own vehicles drove two-thirds more (183 vs 109 miles/week) than teens who shared vehicles.

What is considered high mileage?

What is considered high-mileage? Typically, putting 12,000 to 15,000 miles on your car per year is viewed as “average.” A car that is driven more than that is considered high-mileage. With proper maintenance, cars can have a life expectancy of about 200,000 miles.

Is 200000 miles alot for a car?

In general, most modern cars can cross 200,000 miles without any major issues, provided the vehicle is being well-maintained. Considering that an average person drives 10,000-20,000 miles per year, this will account for roughly 15 years of service.

What is considered high mileage on a car?

What’s the average miles driven per year?

Average miles driven per year in each state

State Total Miles Average Miles Per Driver
California 340 billion 12,524
Colorado 54 billion 12,899
Connecticut 31 billion 12,117
Delaware 10 billion 12,609

What is considered low mileage on a car?

In general, anything less than 12,000 miles per year is considered below average. However, some insurance companies may consider 10,000 miles or less as low annual mileage. Drivers can potentially receive special discounts if they drive their cars less than what’s considered average.

Is 30000 miles a year a lot?

Continuous driving is the ideal state for the longevity (in terms of miles) of a car. 30,000 miles in one year should be better, not worse, than 30,000 miles spaced out over 2-3 years as would be more typical. A modern, reliable car is virtually good as new at 30,000 miles with routine maintenance.

Is 15 000 miles a year a lot?

As a general rule of thumb, 15,000 miles a year is considered an “average” number of miles per year. Many modern cars with 100K-150K miles are in great condition and will easily go another 100K.

How many miles do men and women drive in a year?

Across all age groups, men drive more than women, though this difference is most pronounced in working-age adults, where men drive 7,500 miles more each year than women. Young drivers ages 16-19 drive the same number of miles on average as adults over 65 — around 7,600 miles a year.

What’s the average mileage of a car in a year?

If we consider all United States demographics, the normal miles to drive in a year are around 13,500 miles. Should I buy a car with 150k miles? The average lifespan of recent cars is about 150k miles or eight years.

How many 16 year old drivers are there in US?

What’s more, research also shows that while the total number of licensed drivers in the US is rising consistently, the number of 16-year-old drivers is at its all-time lowest. According to the latest available data, there were just 1.08 million drivers aged 16 years or less in 2014, compared to 1.59 million of such drivers in 2007.

What’s the lowest mileage a person can drive per year?

Once a rite of passage, driving is perhaps proving to be too costly for today’s teens. Or maybe they are not as interested in driving as their elders. Whatever the reason, research shows people aged between 16 and 19 years have the lowest annual mileage across all age groups — only 7,624 miles.