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How many panchayat in Dubrajpur Block?

How many panchayat in Dubrajpur Block?

Dubrajpur CD Block has an area of 344.88 km2. It has 1 panchayat samity, 10 gram panchayats, 104 gram sansads (village councils), 226 mouzas and 193 inhabited villages, as per District Statistical Handbook Birbhum 2008.

Who is the BDO of dubrajpur?

Sri Susanta Kr. Bala, Deputy Magistrate & Deputy B.D.O. Dubrajpur Dev.

How many Panchayat are there in Birbhum district?

167 gram panchayats
Political and administrative divisions There are 26 police stations, 19 development blocks, 6 municipalities and 167 gram panchayats in this district.

What is the Pincode of dubrajpur?

Dubrajpur/Zip codes

How many blocks are there in Dakshin Dinajpur?

eight development blocks
There are nine police stations, eight development blocks, Three municipalities, 64 gram panchayats and 2317 villages in this district.

What is the pin code of Suri?

Suri/Zip codes

Which district is gangarampur?

District Dakshin Dinajpur
Gangarampur Municipality | District Dakshin Dinajpur, Government of West Bengal | India.

How many villages are in Dubrajpur CD Block?

Dubrajpur CD Block has an area of 344.88 km 2. It has 1 panchayat samity, 10 gram panchayats, 104 gram sansads (village councils), 226 mouzas and 193 inhabited villages, as per District Statistical Handbook Birbhum 2008. Dubrajpur police station serves this block.

What was the population growth in Dubrajpur district?

Dubrajpur block registered a population growth of 17.07 per cent during the 1991-2001 decade. Decadal growth for Birbhum district was 17.88 per cent. Decadal growth in West Bengal was 17.84 per cent.

Which is a community development block in West Bengal?

Dubrajpur is a community development block that forms an administrative division in Suri Sadar subdivision of Birbhum district in the Indian state of West Bengal . Birbhum district is physiographically a part of the ancient Rarh region.

Where is Dubrajpur in West Bengal, India?

Dubrajpur is a city and a municipality in Suri Sadar subdivision of Birbhum district in the Indian state of West Bengal . M: municipal city/ town, CT: census town, R: rural/ urban centre, B: Barrage.